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B-roll: RV Investigator voyage to the Southern Ocean


[Text appears on screen with title of “B-roll: RV Investigator’s Antarctic Voyage” in blue. Underneath that is 00:05-01:06 CSIRO’s Dr Benoit Legresy speaking about the voyage, 01:06-01:17 Automated underwater glaciers, 01:17-01:28 Float and acoustic current profiler for mooring, 01:28-02:16 Research Vessel Investigator in the Southern Ocean, 02:16-02:29 Map of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current circling Antarctica, 02:29-3:07 SWOT satellite and radar altimetry NASA animation]

[Image changes to Dr Benoit Legresy standing in port near the RV Investigator]

Legresy: Where we’re going is a gateway for this heat that is absorbed into the ocean towards Antarctica. Of course we want to understand how this gate is working so that we can quantify how much heat is going to melt the ice.

[Image changes to resemble a pause of the video then back to Dr Benoit Legresy]

Legresy: I’m feeling really excited because it’s happening, it’s a long, it’s a long wait for that. It’s been a very long wait to get the satellite up. I was involved in that preparation five years ago. It was [indistinct 00:40] then, of course. It’s been a very long journey to develop this fantastic new technology. It’s working now and it’s super exciting to be able to go and validate what the satellite is measuring in the most challenging environment where the ocean signals are the strongest. I feel very proud of what we’re going to do.

[Image changes to two people in high vis using computers while surrounded by equipment]

[Image changes to a shot of a large orange buoy and pans over it]

[Image changes to RV Investigator sailing in the ocean with the video taken from a higher location]

[Image changes to a radar image labelled Current Velocity showing the current circling Antarctica]

[Image changes to a radar in the night sky and pans around the radar]

[Image shows a representation of waves bouncing off the radar and reflecting back to Earth]

[Image changes to pan out and shows a representation of radar waves circling Earth]

[Image changes to show land as dark masses and currents represented under the ocean]

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Ms Thea Williams, Communication Officer
Scientists voyage to the Southern Ocean to investigate how climate change impacts the planet’s strongest current