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[Image appears of a large tub of sand with the Magnetic Resonance Mine Detector sensor on the surface]

Narrator: Today we are demonstrating the Magnetic Resonance Mine Detection Centre in a controlled environment.

[Camera zooms in on a small plastic object partially buried in the sand] 

This object here buried in the sand contains 100 grams of an inexplosive simulant material. It simulates an anti-personnel land mine. 

[Image shows the small plastic object being buried with sand]

The material will now be covered with sand. 

[Image shows the sensor being placed over the area]
When the sensor is positioned above the material, the presence of the explosive compound is detected. 

[Image changes to show a computer screen showing Landmine Detector Software on the screen and a line graph appears and the line is shown sharply climbing upwards to detect the mine simulator]

The signal detected from our sensor occurs at a particular frequency. This acts as a fingerprint for the explosive material which uniquely confirms its presence.