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Da3D printed Nitinol stent video 

[Music plays and an image appears of 3D photo of a human skeleton and the camera gradually pans down the skeleton from the rib cage to the thighs and text appears: Peripheral artery disease affects about 10% of global population]

[Image changes to show a close view of a stent inside an artery and text appears: Self-expanding nitinol stents offer a minimally invasive solution]

[Image changes to show a close view of a surgeon holding a stent between his thumb and forefinger and text appears: Currently, vascular surgeons are restricted to using off-the-shelf stents]

[Images flash through of a view looking down on a Concept Laser machine within a workshop lab and then the image changes to show a male opening the machine and working on the machine and text appears: Australia’s national science agency, CSIRO in collaboration with the Medical Innovation Hub…]

[Image changes to show a close view of a stent rotating slowly on a white screen and the image changes to show a view of various size white granules on a black background and text appears: …has used laser powder bed fusion]

[Image changes to show a light flashing over a dark screen with dots and text appears: …to 3D print custom-designed stents…]

[Image changes to show varying size stents all standing up on a metal plate and text appears: …with ultra-fine mesh structures]

[Images flash through of a male and female looking at a computer screen, a female operating a machine, and then a male and female looking at a computer screen again and text appears: Extensive characterisation was conducted…]

[Image changes to show a 3D printed 10mm stent and a commercial 10mm stent in a simulated model showing it being pushed down and then springing back up again and text appears: …to ensure excellent super elasticity of Nitinol, Printing customised stents on-site, under the surgeon’s direction, is now a possibility]

[Image changes to show five different shape 10mm stents on an orange background and text appears: The future is bright for an improved patient experience through better fitting devices, better conformity to blood vessel and improved recovery times]

[Image changes to show text on a white screen: CSIRO, Australia’s National Science Agency, Medical Innovation Hub]