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[A map of Australia with a diverse group of people within.]

VOICE-OVER: Australia is a nation of brilliant, creative, determined and resilient people. But when natural disasters strike, they can cost billions of dollars with catastrophic losses.

[The people are replaced with icons for bushfire, pandemic, cyclone and flood. Icons of piling up money and warning symbols appear.]

VOICE-OVER: We are seeing more frequent and more severe natural disasters, and when they overlap this can increase the impacts we feel.

[Flowing amongst coloured waving and overlapping lines, icons appear for heatwave, drought, flood, bushfire and topsoil erosion.]

VOICE-OVER: Our resilience is the key that enables us to resist, absorb and recover from natural disasters, and restore our essential needs quickly.

[A man and a woman stand in front of a model scale city, holding back large falling dominoes with icons of natural disasters on them. A close-up view of hands rebuilding a model bridge and communication tower.]

VOICE-OVER: Impacts of natural disasters are felt differently at global, national and regional scales.

[A map marker icon appears first over a globe of the Earth, then a map of Australia, and a fold out map.]

VOICE-OVER: The evidence shows that natural disaster resilience planning helps communities, environments and infrastructure. Resilience planning improves mental health, job security, protects ecosystems and cultural sites, and secures our vital infrastructure and services.

[Icons for communities, infrastructure and environments surrounding text on screen: “Natural Disaster Resilience Planning”.]

VOICE-OVER: Australia’s investments in planning and preparation, response capacity, recovery and building back better, will help reduce the impact of future natural disasters. But this requires improved scenario planning.

[A split screen of two model wood bridges, both collapsing from heavy rain and flood water. Hands rebuilding the bridges – one the left, to it’s original form, on the right with a sturdier concrete and steel structure. Rain and flood water returns and collapses the wood bridge on the left, leaving the concrete and steel bridge on the right still standing.]

VOICE-OVER: We can improve our scenario planning by developing and adopting standard approaches and common methodologies across all jurisdictions and sectors.

[Checklists labelled “plans” are filed into folders labelled “heatwave”, “pandemic”, “drought” and “bushfire”. Text on screen: “Scenario Planning”.]

VOICE-OVER: This requires agreed emissions scenarios, climate projections, and a clearer picture of the likelihood and severity of hazards, to stress test scenarios.

[A yellow to red gauge, power plants and an orange warning sign.]

VOICE-OVER: Targeted research, science, technology, and community participation are key enablers to build resilient communities, environments and industries.

[An info graphic showing research inputting to resilience and leading to communities, environments and industries.]

VOICE-OVER: Together we can bounce back strong from natural disasters, but only if we grow our resilience together today.

[The diverse group of people return amongst coloured waving and overlapping lines.]

VOICE-OVER: For more information, visit

[CSIRO logo and text on screen: “Australia's National Science Agency. For more information, visit:”.]