Hydrogen Electrolyser
A strategic guide for seizing Australia’s clean-tech
manufacturing opportunity
October 2024
CSIRO (2024) Hydrogen Electrolyser Manufacturing:
A strategic guide for seizing Australia’s clean-tech
manufacturing opportunity. CSIRO, Canberra.
This report was authored by James Trevorrow,
Nicolás González Castro, Rohini Poonyth, Sean Lim,
Katherine Wynn, and Vivek Srinivasan.
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1 Introduction............................................................................................................................................21.1 Why hydrogen electrolysers?..................................................................................................................................21.2 Why electrolyser manufacturing?...........................................................................................................................41.3 Why Australia?..........................................................................................................................................................52 Electrolysers – technical context................................................................................................122.1 General configuration...........................................................................................................................................122.2 Componentry..........................................................................................................................................................132.3 Differentiating factors between electrolyser types............................................................................................152.4 Manufacturing process..........................................................................................................................................203 The pathways to HEM.....................................................................................................................233.1 Advanced manufacturing......................................................................................................................................243.2 Materials sourcing.................................................................................................................................................283.3 Skills and workforce...............................................................................................................................................323.4 R&D and innovation for product performance....................................................................................................343.5 Unit cost reductions in manufacturing................................................................................................................373.6 Regulatory and environmental considerations...................................................................................................393.7 Supply chain alignment ........................................................................................................................................404 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................................445 Appendices..........................................................................................................................................455.1 Consulted organisations........................................................................................................................................455.2 Supporting information for economic analysis...................................................................................................465.3 Government strategies and support mechanisms relevant to HEM in Australia...............................................545.4 HEM landscape globally.........................................................................................................................................565.5 Technical targets for electrolyser R&D.................................................................................................................575.6 Materials, components, and manufacturing processes required for alkaline, PEM,
solid oxide and AEM electrolysers........................................................................................................................595.7 Bibliometric analysis..............................................................................................................................................63
Anion exchange membrane
Balance of plant
Million tonnes per annum
Final investment decision
Hydrogen electrolyser manufacturing
Tonnes per annum
Liquefied natural gas
99.9% purity
Australian Government’s National Hydrogen Strategy 2024
99.999% purity
Net Zero Emissions scenario
99.9999% purity
Original equipment manufacturer
Proton exchange membrane
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances
Solid oxide
Technology readiness level
Executive summary
This report investigates Australia’s opportunity for
hydrogen electrolyser manufacturing (HEM). It seeks to
align with Australia’s National Hydrogen Strategy and
Federal, State, and Territory manufacturing initiatives by
stimulating the domestic HEM ecosystem. HEM presents
a unique manufacturing opportunity for the nation,
combining a:
• Nascent, rapidly emerging global electrolyser market,
which creates a window of opportunity for Australia to
develop its own advanced manufacturing and material
supply chains
• Strong starting position, with an emerging cohort
of Australian electrolyser manufacturers translating
innovations from the country’s research sector
• Significant domestic pipeline of projects seeking to
produce renewable hydrogen, with specific electrolyser
procurement and maintenance needs, creating a local
market and providing the benefits of a geographically
aligned supply chain
By 2050, Australia’s HEM industry could generate
AUD 1.7 billion in revenue and close to 4000 jobs.
Installation services for electrolysers could add
another AUD 1.2 billion in revenue and 1000 jobs.
Additionally, the manufacturing capabilities developed
for HEM could translate to other manufacturing areas,
and the raw material entry points could support
onshore processing.
HEM activities are already occurring in Australia at different
scales. However, scaling up is a challenge. It will require:
• Aggregated demands across adjacent emerging
manufacturing opportunities to advance local
production of intermediate materials
• Building upon the existing manufacturing capabilities
being used in other advanced products to support local
component manufacturing
• Cost-effective cell fabrication and stack assembly,
with support for system testing and validation at scales
relevant to commercial deployment
• Leveraging the comparatively lower barriers of
system assembly as an entry point for overseas
manufacturers interested in Australian facilities
• Identifying, preparing and promoting manufacturing
locations which optimise local strengths such as
renewable electricity prices and firming, while offsetting
inflexible costs such as labour rates and logistics
• An exploration of international manufacturing
partnerships that considers high value process and
supply chains through to domestic hydrogen production
in a way that optimises Australia’s long-term sovereign
manufacturing capabilities and needs
Further investigations are suggested whilst the ‘window
of opportunity’ is still available. This includes analysis
to aggregate manufacturing demands across adjacent
clean‑tech manufacturing opportunities; provide
stakeholder visibility of ecosystem actors and their
capabilities; assess cost-effective manufacturing locations;
and inform international partnership discussions.
1 Introduction
1.1 Why hydrogen electrolysers?
A clean alternative, key to the
energy transition
The goal of achieving net zero emissions by 2050 is driving
a global transition from fossil fuels into renewable sources.
While direct electrification will be key, sectors like long
distance and heavy freight, chemicals manufacturing
(particularly ammonia), and industrial processing (heat for
metals production) will be harder to electrify.
Hydrogen is an attractive energy carrier and feedstock for
these sectors because of its high energy density by weight,
potential for clean combustion and versatile presence
in many economically relevant chemical compounds.1
While hydrogen is abundant as an element, it is most
frequently found as part of other chemical compounds
and requires energy and processing for its separation.
There are multiple production pathways available to
achieve this, including thermochemical, biological,
photochemical, geochemical and electrolysis processes.2,3
The overall hydrogen supply chain thus comprises three
key stages: 1) production, 2) storage and distribution,
and 3) application.4 Refer to Figure 1 below.
Figure 1. Overarching hydrogen supply chain (with production via electrolysis as an example).
Electrolysers are the specialised electrochemical equipment
that uses electricity to break down water into hydrogen
and oxygen, in the presence of a catalyst and sometimes
assisted by a secondary energy source (e.g., light or heat).
Electrolysis conventionally uses demineralised water as
the main input and can rely on electricity from renewable
sources to drive the process. This enables a decoupling
from direct fossil fuel use and a reduction in the overall
emissions stemming from current hydrogen production.
With potential for significant decreases in cost and high
maturity for commercial scale deployment, hydrogen
produced via electrolysis (renewable hydrogen) has a clear
role to play in achieving global net zero emissions targets.
Storage and
specific uses
and methanol
Alternative reductant for
metal production and
fuel source for furnaces
Heavy freight
and long-distance
road transport
Fuel or feedstock
for rail, maritime and
aviation transportation
Fuel for materials
handling and heavy
hauling vehicles
Energy storage and electricity production
Heating and gas provision
1 CSIRO Hydrogen (n.d.). HyResource. (accessed 29 July 2024); Bruce S, Temminghoff M, Hayward J,
Schmidt E, Munnings C, Palfreyman D, Hartley P (2018) National Hydrogen Roadmap. CSIRO, Australia.
2 Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office (n.d.) Hydrogen Production Processes. U.S. Department of Energy. (accessed 29 July 2024); Megía PJ, Vizcaíno AJ, Calles JA, Carrero A (2021) Hydrogen Production Technologies: From Fossil
Fuels toward Renewable Sources. A Mini Review. Energy & Fuels 35, 16403; Osselin F, Soulaine C, Fauguerolles C, Gaucher EC, Scaillet B, Pichavant M (2022)
Orange hydrogen is the new green. Nature Geoscience 15, 765.
3 A more detailed description of each pathway, and the individual technologies involved, can be found in a separate CSIRO report – Hydrogen Research,
Development and Demonstration: Priorities and Opportunities for Australia (Srinivasan V, Temminghoff M, Charnock S, Hartley P (2019). Hydrogen Research,
Development and Demonstration: Priorities and Opportunities for Australia. CSIRO, Canberra)
4 Bruce S, Temminghoff M, Hayward J, Schmidt E, Munnings C, Palfreyman D, Hartley P (2018) National Hydrogen Roadmap. CSIRO, Australia; Bossel U, Eliasson B
(n.d.) Energy and the Hydrogen Economy. Alternative Fuels Data Center. (accessed 29 July
2024); US Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office (n.d.) Hydrogen Storage. (accessed 29 July 2024).
Future production requirements
Approximately 95 million tonnes (Mt) of hydrogen
were produced globally in 2022, with 84.3% from fossil
fuel‑dependent pathways, 15.6% as a by-product of oil
refining and only 0.1% from electrolysis.5 Similar production
levels from 2021 (94 Mt) were linked with over 900 Mt of
direct CO2 emissions.6
In the International Energy Agency’s Net Zero Scenario by
2050 (NZE), overall production needs to change by 2030
to 58.4% of hydrogen coming from fossil fuels, 32.8% from
electrolysis, 8.6% as a by-product and 0.1% from bioenergy
(Figure 2).7
Figure 2. Hydrogen production in 2022 and 2030 (Under the IEA’s
Net Zero Scenario), by pathway.
Source: IEA (2023) Global hydrogen production by technology in the Net
Zero Scenario, 2019–2030. .
Cost considerations
While hydrogen production via electrolysis is currently
more expensive than production through fossil
fuel‑dependent pathways, there is potential for cost
reductions over time. Technoeconomic analysis from
BloombergNEF estimated that the production cost for
renewable hydrogen could go below the level for existing
hydrogen plants in 5 countries by 2030 (Brazil, China, India,
Spain and Sweden), and for new fossil fuel-dependent
plants in 8 countries (out of 28 markets modelled).
In their view, economies of scale and supportive policies
would play a significant role in enabling such decreases
in cost.8 Similarly, analysis conducted for Australia’s
National Hydrogen Strategy (2024) shows the cost of
renewable hydrogen from two different electrolyser types
decreasing up to 2050 (alkaline and proton exchange
membrane electrolysers), with potential to match or dip
below the level for steam methane reforming (a fossil
fuel‑dependent pathway).9
The cost of electrolyser systems, a significant driver
of the levelised cost of hydrogen (LCOH), has margin
for improvement and clear strategies to accomplish it.
There has been a 90% reduction in the capital cost of
proton exchange electrolyser systems from 2000 to 2020
(in terms of USD per kW).10 The International Renewable
Energy Agency (IRENA) has reported that an up to 80%
reduction could be possible through performance
improvements (across energy efficiency, durability and
design), increased system sizes, optimised supporting
equipment, manufacturing at scale, and optimised practices
(from design to deployment).11
The four types of electrolyser systems considered in this
report are commercially available and two of them (alkaline
electrolysers and proton exchange membrane electrolysers)
are already deployed for hydrogen production at large
scale. The systems also build upon a longstanding history
of development throughout the 20th century.12
5 Bains P, Bennett S, Collina L, Connelly E, Delmastro C, Evangelopoulou S, Fajardy M, Gouy A, Kotani M, Le Marois J-B, Levi P, Martinez Gordon R, McDonagh S,
Pavan F, Pizarro A, Sloots N, Winkler C (2023) Global Hydrogen Review 2023. 64–68. International Energy Agency, Paris. (accessed 8 July 2024).
6 IEA (2023) Towards hydrogen definitions based on their emissions intensity. International Energy Agency, Paris. 14–15. .
7 IEA (2022) Global hydrogen production by technology in the Net Zero Scenario, 2019–2030. International Energy Agency, Paris. (accessed 29 July 2024).
8 Schelling K (2023) Green Hydrogen to Undercut Gray Sibling by End of Decade. BloombergNEF. (accessed 20 September 2024).
9 DCCEEW (2024) National Hydrogen Strategy 2024. Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, Canberra. 45. (accessed 20 September 2024).
10 Randolph K, Vickers J, Peterson D, Hubert M, Miller E (2022) Historical Cost Reduction of PEM Electrolyzers. (accessed 20 September 2024).
11 IRENA (2022) Electrolyser costs. Hydrogen. (accessed 20 September
12 Smolinka T, Bergmann H, Garche J, Kusnezoff M (2022) The history of water electrolysis from its beginnings to the present. In Electrochemical Power Sources:
Fundamentals, Systems, and Applications. (Eds. T Smolinka, J Garche) 83–164. Elsevier.
1.2 Why electrolyser
Hydrogen electrolyser manufacturing (HEM) is a significant
opportunity because of the rapid scale-up in installed
capacity needed to meet net zero scenarios and the
potential for innovative designs and manufacturing
processes to generate cost-competitive advantages.
These factors create a window of opportunity for new
entrants to influence a market that is still nascent at scale.
Rapid scale up requirements
Electrolysers have a long history of industrial use for other
chemical products. However, the scale of deployment
needed for hydrogen production requires a significant
increase over the current installed capacity to meet
net zero targets.
The cumulative installed electrolysis capacity for hydrogen
production envisioned in the NZE (in terms of electric input)
is 590 gigawatts (GW) in 2030 and 3300 GW in 2050,
up from nearly 0.7 GW in 2022 (Figure 3).13
Figure 3. Cumulative installed electrolyser capacity globally
in 2030 and 2050, under the IEA Net Zero Emissions Scenario.
Source: IEA (2023) Net Zero Roadmap: A Global Pathway to Keep the
1.5 °C Goal in Reach. International Energy Agency, Paris. 101.
Window of opportunity
The current electrolyser manufacturing landscape
is emerging in terms of scale and activity is more
geographically dispersed compared to other renewable
energy technologies, providing space for new market
entrants and changes in capacity distribution as the
industry grows. For context, the ten largest electrolyser
manufacturing facilities by nominal capacity have entered
operations only in the past 5 years.14
Electrolyser manufacturing starts from a comparatively
small nominal global capacity of 23 GW (as of 2023) and
a low utilisation rate, with an estimated 2.5 GW output in
2023. China accounted for 60% of this capacity, Europe for
20%, and the United States (US) for 16%.15 While 170 GW
of overall manufacturing is expected by 2030 based on
announced projects, only 13% has reached final investment
decision (FID) or is under construction.16 The lower rate
of commitment to new facilities could enable improved
manufacturing processes to play a disruptive role.
A significant increase in installed electrolyser capacity over
a comparatively short period of time also means that a
sustainable expansion of global manufacturing capacity
will be required. Currently, supply chain constraints and
the high volume of orders for some manufacturers are
translating into long lead times for projects,17 highlighting
both the demand for expanded capacity and the interest in
manufacturers that can provide reliable, de-risked products.
Finally, the growing scale of electrolysis projects for
hydrogen production and the need to compete with
low‑cost hydrogen from fossil fuel-dependent pathways
make the market more susceptible to disruption.
Electrolyser systems optimised for increased performance
and lower capital costs will be needed and represent a
pathway for emerging manufacturers to enter the market.
13 Source: IEA (2023) Net Zero Roadmap: A Global Pathway to Keep the 1.5 °C Goal in Reach. International Energy Agency, Paris. 101. .
14 Wood Mackenzie Hydrogen Lens (August 2024). Search conducted for hydrogen electrolyser vendors with operational status as of August 2024.
15 IEA (2024) Advancing Clean Energy Manufacturing. 43–45. International Energy Agency, Paris. .
16 IEA (2024) Advancing Clean Energy Manufacturing. 43–45. International Energy Agency, Paris. .
17 Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office (2023) Water Electrolyzer Installations: Summary Report – September 2023. 14. U.S. Department of Energy.
(accessed 26 August 2024); Ernst & Young LLP
(2023) Shortage of electrolyzers for green hydrogen – February 2023. (accessed 26 August 2024).
1.3 Why Australia?
The rapid increase in scale, demand from electrolysis
projects around the world, and the space for new entrants
create a clear window of opportunity for countries like
Australia to develop their electrolyser supply chains.
Australia also has natural attributes that position it well for
renewable hydrogen production at scale – from extensive
areas where a combination of wind and solar sources could
power electrolysis projects, to large geological formations
that could be adapted for hydrogen storage.18 Moreover, the
country has established strategies and support initiatives at
the national and state and territory levels to translate these
attributes into an economic opportunity.
Ambitious national strategies and support
mechanisms – Hydrogen and manufacturing
The Australian government has set a vision of a
low‑emissions, innovative, safe, and internationally
cost‑competitive hydrogen industry by 2050, which
produces economic benefits for Australian communities and
allows it to be a significant global supplier and investment
destination. This vision is supported by an overarching
strategy, funding mechanisms, and clear target metrics.19
Some of the relevant targets in the National Hydrogen
Strategy 2024 (an update on the original strategy published
in 2019) include:
• Producing 15–30 million tonnes of renewable hydrogen
by 2050.
• Meeting annual hydrogen production milestones that
increase every 5 years in the path to 2050, starting with
0.5–1.5 million tonnes in 2030.
• Exporting 0.2–1.2 million tonnes of renewable hydrogen
(directly or its equivalent in embodied products) annually
by 2030.20
State and Territory governments have set their own goals
for hydrogen production using renewable energy sources,
with different focus areas.
Production of hydrogen from renewable energy, and the
electrolysers that enable it, are also priority areas for
federal programs like the National Reconstruction Fund
(NRF) and the Future Made in Australia package (FMIA).
The NRF includes at least $3 billion for renewable and
low emissions technology manufacturing, while the FMIA
considers two separate priority streams: one for green
metals, low carbon liquid fuels and renewable hydrogen
production, and another for critical minerals processing
and clean technology manufacturing (specifically solar
photovoltaic panels and batteries). The FMIA package
further includes a $1.7 billion innovation fund administered
by the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA), to
support the translation and commercialisation of Australian
innovations in the priority streams.21
There are also relevant State programs, like NSW’s Net Zero
Manufacturing Initiative, which has up to $150 million in
funding for manufacturing components used in renewable
energy technologies, including electrolysers.22 Combined,
these mechanisms could directly and indirectly support an
electrolyser manufacturing ecosystem in Australia.
For more details on national, state and territory strategies
and funding mechanisms, please see Appendix 5.3.
18 https://www.ga.gov.au/aecr2024/hydrogen
19 DCCEEW (2024) National Hydrogen Strategy 2024. Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, Canberra. 41–46. (accessed 13 September 2024); Commonwealth of Australia (2019)
Australia’s National Hydrogen Strategy. 67–71. ;
DCCEEW (2024) Australian Energy Update 2024 (August 2024). Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water,
Canberra. (accessed 6 September 2024).
20 DCCEEW (2024) National Hydrogen Strategy 2024. Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, Canberra. 91–92. (accessed 13 September 2024).
21 Australian Government (2024) Future Made in Australia National Interest Framework: Supporting paper. 15. Australian Treasury, Canberra. ; Australian Government (2024) Budget 2024–2025. (accessed 12 August 2024); Bathgate B (2024) New industrial policy: a Future Made in Australia. (accessed 12 August 2024); ARENA (2024) ARENA Corporate
Plan 2024-25 to 2027-28. Australian Renewable Energy Agency. 8. (accessed 30
September 2024).
22 Government (2024) Net Zero Manufacturing Initiative. Programs, grants and schemes. (accessed 13 September 2024).
Strong domestic demand and pipeline
Australia has a strong pipeline of projects seeking
to produce renewable hydrogen, each with specific
electrolyser procurement and maintenance needs (see Case
study 1). This provides a rare opportunity to establish
a strong onshore electrolyser manufacturing ecosystem.
As noted in the section below, economic analysis developed
for this report indicates Australia could produce 14 million
tonnes of hydrogen in 2050, enabled by approximately
138 GW of installed electrolyser capacity. Achieving this
long‑term target could see 3 GW of installed capacity by 2030.
The country’s renewable hydrogen production prospects
are further reflected in its project pipeline, which is one
of the largest in the world and could represent a demand
source for electrolysers manufactured locally.
• The country could account for 20% of global electrolyser
capacity in 2030, when considering all projects
announced as of 2023.23
• Australia is second after India in terms of prospective
net production (Mtpa) when considering projects at all
stages, from announced to operational (Figure 4).24
• Eighty-seven hydrogen-related projects involving
electrolysis were listed in HyResource,25 as of August 2024.
These are distributed across all States and Territories, with
Queensland and Western Australia having the majority
(twenty-three and twenty-one respectively).26
Figure 4. Renewable hydrogen pipeline across the 10 largest countries by prospective net production.
Most domestic projects, and the prospective capacity that
they entail, have only been announced or remain at the
development stage. This emergent nature of the renewable
hydrogen pipeline is not exclusive to Australia, with 96% of
global projects announced for 2030 at the feasibility stage
or lower.27
A steady progression of projects to FID in the near term will
be critical to enable and sustain a domestic electrolyser
manufacturing opportunity. However, this early state
of the renewable hydrogen pipeline also represents an
upside, with a dual opportunity for Australian electrolyser
manufacturers with clear technical innovations. With the
bulk of potential demand still to come, timely development
and scale-up could position innovators to both:
• Drive down the costs of domestic hydrogen
production, and
• Export to early-stage international projects (which
make up most of future electrolyser capacity globally).
CASE STUDY 1: Large scale electrolyser capacity
for ammonia and hydrogen production
in South Australia
Amp, a global developer of renewable energy assets,
announced in May 2024 a commercial agreement
to develop the Cape Hardy Advanced Fuels Project
in South Australia. The project, which is currently
at the pre-Front End Engineering Design (pre-FEED)
stage, envisions an initial 1 GW electrolyser capacity
(as part of a potential 10 GW overall scale over two
stages) to produce ammonia, hydrogen, methanol and
sustainable aviation fuels.28
23 IEA (2023) Global hydrogen Review 2023. 68–71. International Energy Agency, Paris. .
24 Wood Mackenzie Hydrogen Lens (August 2024). Search conducted for hydrogen projects featuring alkaline, pressurised alkaline, PEM, solid oxide and
AEM electrolysers.
25 HyResource is a national-scale collaborative platform established by CSIRO, the Future Fuels CRC and the Australian Hydrogen Council to share knowledge
on hydrogen projects in Australia.
26 CSIRO (2024) HyResource (29 August 2024 update). .
27 IEA (2023) Global hydrogen Review 2023. 70–71. International Energy Agency, Paris. .
28 CSIRO (2024) Cape Hardy Advanced Fuels Project. HyResource. (accessed 13
September 2024).
Novel economic opportunity
Growth in the number of projects that use electrolysis to
produce hydrogen at scale could represent a new economic
opportunity for Australia over the coming decades, if a
competitive manufacturing ecosystem is developed.
By 2050, Australia’s HEM industry could generate
AUD 1.7 billion in revenue and another AUD 1.2 billion
in revenue for installation services in the Central scenario.
Nearly 4000 jobs could be created, with approximately
three-quarters in manufacturing and another one-quarter
in installations. This is also characterised by an annual
electrolyser capacity demand of 14 GW.
Key model parameters supporting this market estimate are
summarised in Table 1. These parameters were collected
from multiple sources and tested with research and industry
experts. It considered three scenarios aligned to the
hydrogen demand estimates in the 2024 National Hydrogen
Strategy.29 For a detailed description of the methodology,
refer to Appendix 5.2.
Table 1. Market opportunity for Australian-manufactured electrolysers in 2050, by scenario
Alignment to NHS 2024
Low scenario
Central scenario
High scenario
Additional assumptions
Little or no
external support
Strong support for
local procurement
Strong support for
local procurement
and export, and
commercialisation of
unique, IP-protected
electrolyser products.
Hydrogen Production via electrolysis (Mtpa)
Projected hydrogen production via electrolysis in Australia
Domestic unit revenue (AUD/kw)
Revenue potential in Australia for every unit of
electrolyser capacity
Domestic Market Capture (%)
Potential market capture for local electrolyser manufacturing
Export demand (Domestic-to-export ratio)
Potential export opportunity
Market opportunity for HEM in Australia (million AUD)
Market opportunity for installation services in Australia
(million AUD)
Number of jobs
The market size for each scenario
is shown in Figure 5, with revenue
split across stack manufacturing,
balance of plant manufacturing,
and installation services.
Figure 5. Market size for Australian-manufactured electrolysers and associated jobs
in 2050, by scenario.
29 DCCEEW (2024) National Hydrogen Strategy 2024. Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, Canberra. 41. (accessed 13 September 2024).
An advanced manufacturing and minerals base to launch from
Advanced manufacturing
Australia has an existing advanced manufacturing base that
currently supplies products and components across the
automotive, aerospace, defence, and medical technology
sectors. Local companies across them regularly use materials,
processes, and skills for production at scale that are relevant
to electrolyser manufacturing (see Case study 2).
This includes core processes and skills in coating,
pressing, sealing and assembly, and expertise in the
design, operation, and automation of assembly lines.
Bolstered through domestic electrolyser manufacturing,
these capabilities could contribute to other renewable
energy technologies and advanced manufacturing
opportunities that the country may pursue.
CASE STUDY 2: Building advanced manufacturing capability out of existing players and innovative
manufacturing processes
• Samvardhana Motherson Reflectec (SMR), a specialised component manufacturer and supplier to the automotive
industry with manufacturing operations in Australia, partnered with the University of South Australia to develop a
new mirror. This was accomplished through the development of a novel coating and the use of thin-film technology
on an injection-moulded plastic substrate, resulting in a lightweight, shatterproof part.
• The mirror went into production in 2012 and generated $170 million in global sales over 5 years, with the coating
technology itself enabling SMR to develop products for other markets. After the disappearance of the Australian
automotive sector, diversification along with transition funding from the South Australian and Federal governments
helped the company move its Australian operation into other advanced manufacturing opportunities across
defence, aerospace and biomedical applications.30
Australia also has significant mining operations for some of the raw materials used across different electrolyser
types (see Table 2) and industrial production of steel and ceramic materials.
Many of these materials are relevant to other renewable energy technologies that could have specific manufacturing steps
in Australia. Electrolyser manufacturing could generate further aggregated demand and offtake pathways, facilitating the
development of onshore mid-stream processing capabilities to add further value to Australia’s mineral resources.
Table 2. Raw materials relevant to different electrolyser types for which Australia has high reserves and production.
Raw material
World ranking for resources
World ranking for production
Electrolyser relevance
Aluminium (bauxite)
3 (12%)
1 (27%)
2 (19%)
4 (3%)
1 (22%)
3 (10%)
Alkaline, PEM
1 (31%)
1 (35%)
Alkaline, PEM, SOE, AEM
4 (16%)
3 (10%)
1 (23%)
5 (5%)
Alkaline, AEM
Titanium (rutile)
1 (65%)
1 (27%)
Cerium, gadolinium, samarium
and yttrium (as part of mixed
rare earth oxides)
6 (4%)
3 (5%)
Zirconium (zircon)
1 (74%)
2 (25%)
Source: World rankings for resources and production are adapted from Geoscience Australia (2023) Australia’s Identified Mineral Resources 2023 –
Commodity Summaries (March 2024 update). .
30 University of South Australia (n.d.) Shatterproof mirrors for safer, lower-emission cars. Enterprise Hub – Case studies. (accessed 8 September 2024); Australian Research Council (2019) Building
future manufacturing capability for an automotive industry in Australia. Impact. (accessed 8
September 2024)
Proven R&D and innovation capability
The current window of opportunity for emerging
manufacturers depends on successfully developing,
scaling up and commercialising systems that surpass
existing offerings. In turn, this requires a strong R&D
ecosystem and an active commercial base.
Australian research is globally significant in areas that are
key to electrolyser development, such as electrochemistry
and materials science. The country ranks in the top twenty
for both areas in terms of publication output and is in
the top three among those twenty countries for citation
impact metrics.31
Australia’s research and innovation activity in electrolysis
is also evident in the significant number of active projects
from research institutions and industry taking place across
most States and Territories. As an indicator, 58 active
research projects related to electrolysis were listed in the
HyResearch platform as of September 2024.32 There is
also an emerging set of testing and validation facilities
to support the scale-up of novel Australian electrolysers.
Furthermore, innovations originating in the country’s
research sector are translating into commercial products
developed by an emerging cohort of companies, including
Fortescue, Hysata, Hadean Energy, Endua, and Cavendish
Renewable Technology.
These Australian companies are at various stages
of development, but all are advancing towards the
commercialisation of different electrolyser types (Table 3).
31 Based on a bibliometric analysis by location performed with Clarivate’s InCites platform, using the InCites dataset and covering all available years (1980 –
July 31, 2024). ‘Electrochemistry’, and a combination of ‘Materials Science, Composites’, ‘Materials Science, Coatings & Films’, ‘Materials Science, Ceramics’,
‘Materials Science, Characterization & Testing’, and ‘Materials Science, Multidisciplinary’ were used as research areas in the Web of Science schema.
32 A complement to HyResource, HyResearch is a knowledge sharing platform on research, development and demonstration (RD&D) projects related to
hydrogen, developed by CSIRO and the Australian Hydrogen Research Network. Results filtered for “electrolysis” and active status. CSIRO (2024) HyResearch:
Australian Hydrogen R&D Portal. Projects. (accessed 11 September 2024).
Table 3. Australian hydrogen electrolyser manufacturers
Electrolyser type
Development stage
(2,000 MW scale)33
Fortescue is currently the only large scale, commercial phase hydrogen
electrolyser manufacturer in Australia. The company opened its 2 GW
Gladstone Electrolyser Facility (QLD) in 2024, leveraging an automated
production line to assemble cell stacks used in their PEM electrolyser
systems. The company also envisions additional research and investment
in other electrolyser technologies to support its commercial growth.34
(5 MW scale)35
Hysata has developed a capillary-fed alkaline electrolyser that could
increase energy efficiency at the system level.36 The company is building
a 100 MW production line at its Port Kembla manufacturing facility
(NSW), which will produce a complete 5MW electrolyser system for
commercial demonstration at Stanwell Corporation’s Future Energy and
Innovation Training Hub (FEITH) in Queensland.37
(5 kW scale)38
Hadean Energy is advancing the commercialisation of tubular solid
oxide electrolyser technology, which leverages heat from industrial
operations for hydrogen production. Co-founded by CSIRO and RFC
Ambrian, the company has announced small scale pilots: with BlueScope
(Australia) at its Port Kembla Steelworks facility, and EDF (France) at one
of its power plants in the United Kingdom (UK).39
demonstration (20 kW
Endua has developed a modular renewable hydrogen production and
storage unit for energy storage in off-grid settings. The power bank,
which features PEM electrolyser technology from CSIRO, a fuel cell, and
storage modules, is being produced and tested in Brisbane. The company
also commercialises the electrolyser as a standalone solution.41
Commercial (single
systems up to 5 MW)42
Cavendish Renewable Technology (CRT) is advancing the
commercialisation of an AEM electrolyser system. The company relies
on proprietary materials, designs and fabrication processes, with
development and manufacturing occurring across its facilities in Victoria.43
In 2022, CRT signed a technology licensing agreement with Adani New
Industries, a prospective manufacturer considering a gigawatt-scale
manufacturing plant in India.44
33 Fortescue (2024) Fortescue Hydrogen Systems. (accessed 6 August 2024).
34 Fortescue (2024) Fortescue Hydrogen Systems. (accessed 6 August 2024); Fortescue (2024)
Fortescue officially opens Gladstone Electrolyser Facility. News and Media. (accessed 7 August 2024).
35 ARENA (2023) Hysata Capillary-fed Electrolyser Commercial-Scale Demonstration Project. Australian Renewable Energy Agency. (accessed 6 August 2024).
36 Hodges A, Hoang AL, Tsekouras G, Wagner K, Lee C-Y, Swiegers GF, Wallace GG (2022) A high-performance capillary-fed electrolysis cell promises more cost-
competitive renewable hydrogen. Nature Communications 13, 1304.
37 Webster A (2023) Hysata to build next-generation hydrogen electrolyser. ARENAWIRE. ; HyResearch (2024) Hysata Capillary-fed Electrolyser Commercial-Scale Demonstration Project. (accessed 7 August 2024); Hysata (2023) Hysata and Stanwell Commercial Demonstration
Project. (accessed 7 August 2024); Hysata (2023) Hysata opens new
electrolyser manufacturing facility in Port Kembla with $23 million vote of confidence from Australian and Queensland Governments.
(accessed 7 August 2024).
38 Carroll D (2024) Australian startup teams with French utility to test electrolyser technology. PV Magazine Australia. (accessed 6 August 2024).
39 Hadean Energy (2023) About. (accessed 7 August 2024); CSIRO (2023) New CSIRO company pursues hydrogen game
changer for heavy industry. News release. (accessed 7 August 2024); HyResource (2024)
Tubular Sollid Oxide Electrolysis. (accessed 7 August 2024).
40 Endua, Consultation.
41 Endua (n.d.) Power bank. Products. (accessed 7 August 2024); Endua (n.d.) Electrolyser. Products. (accessed 7 August 2024); HyResearch (2023) Green Hydrogen Energy Production and Storage for Distributed Energy Systems.
(accessed 7 August 2024);
AuManufacturing (2023) Endua unveils prototype power bank system.
(accessed 7 August 2024).
42 Cavendish Renewable Technology, Consultation.
43 Cavendish Renewable Technology (2022) Our Research and Technology. (accessed 7 August
2024); Cavendish Renewable Technology (2022) Facilities and Partners. (accessed 7 August 2024).
44 Gupta U (2022) Australia’s Cavendish Renewable signs hydrogen electrolyzer agreement with Adani arm. pv magazine India, December 9. (accessed 07 September 2024).
Local conditions and standards
The Australian context involves unique environmental
conditions and regulatory standards that could be best
served by local manufacturers.
For example, renewable hydrogen projects in Australia will
have to withstand high temperatures and severe weather
events (e.g., cyclones). These impact the operational
reliability and durability of electrolysers, which are directly
relevant to project economics. Such conditions may not
be as prominent in the countries where electrolysers
have traditionally been made and will require technical
modifications by the manufacturer.
Similarly, interpretation of Australian standards varies
across States and Territories, and these are different from
those of large jurisdictions like the United States (US) and
European Union (EU). This creates an alignment risk with the
manufacturer and can make deployment lengthier and costlier
on account of rectifications or modifications that need to be
made onshore to internationally supplied equipment.45
45 Wheatley G, Thompson N, Purkess C (2023) Electrolyser Manufacturing Business Case. ITM Power Pty and Linde Engineering Pty. 20. (accessed 27 August 2024); BOC Limited (2022)
Renewable Hydrogen Production and Refuelling Project (ARENA Project 2018(ARP178): Lessons Learnt Report. (accessed 27 August 2024).
2 Electrolysers –
technical context
This section provides the technical foundation to support
the understanding of the pathways identified in Section 3.
It includes an analysis of electrolyser configurations,
types, materials used, manufacturing processes and
areas of innovation.
This report covers the four main electrolyser types that are
currently commercially relevant: Alkaline, Proton Exchange
Membrane (PEM), Solid Oxide (SOE), and Anion Exchange
Membrane (AEM). Inclusion of these electrolyser types is
based on the current use and production at scale of alkaline
and PEM; the relative technological readiness and efficiency
improvements in specific applications of SOE; and the
potential for adequate performance with less expensive
materials of AEM.
Each electrolyser type also carries a range of possible
modifications intended to improve overall performance or
enable operation under more challenging, but economically
beneficial conditions. These include, but are not limited
to, capillary-fed electrolysers and novel materials for
electrolysis using seawater.46 Specific modifications are
mentioned where relevant throughout this report but are
not assessed systematically.
2.1 General configuration
All hydrogen electrolyser types leverage a common principle
and a similar arrangement: water splitting into hydrogen and
oxygen, driven by an electric current passing between two
electrodes (an anode and a cathode) that are separated by an
electrolyte or diaphragm. See Figure 6.
Figure 6. Basic structure of an electrolyser cell.
This arrangement of electrodes surrounding a separator is
the basis of an electrolysis cell, the basic operating unit for
hydrogen electrolysers. Multiple connected cells form a cell
stack, which is in turn supported by peripheral equipment
(balance of plant, BoP) that handles input and output flows
(e.g., water, hydrogen, electricity), temperature control and
gas compression.47 See Figure 7 below.
Figure 7. Basic overview of an electrolyser system.
System (stack + balance of plant)
Electronic control system
Power supply unit
Temperature control
Water treatment system
Separation and purification equipment
Connecting elements for gas
and liquid handling
46 Hodges A, Hoang AL, Tsekouras G, Wagner K, Lee C-Y, Swiegers GF, Wallace GG (2022) A high-performance capillary-fed electrolysis cell promises more cost-
competitive renewable hydrogen. Nature Communications 13, 1304; Guo J, Zheng Y, Hu Z, Zheng C, Mao J, Du K, Jaroniec M, Qiao S-Z, Ling T (2023) Direct
seawater electrolysis by adjusting the local reaction environment of a catalyst. Nature Energy.
47 IRENA (2020) Green Hydrogen Cost Reduction: Scaling up Electrolysers to Meet the 1.50C Climate Goal. 31–32. International Renewable Energy Agency, Abu
2.2 Componentry
Electrodes: catalysts and support layers
Each electrode comprises a catalyst layer, a porous
transport or support layer that facilitates gas and liquid
flow, and an outermost layer that provides further support,
flow and electric connectivity (either a bipolar plate or
interconnector layer).
The catalyst layers enable the overall electrolysis process
via metallic compounds that support oxygen production at
the anode and hydrogen at the cathode. Accordingly, the
composition of the porous and outermost layers varies to
accommodate the physicochemical conditions generated at
each electrode.
Electrolytes selectively transport ions produced at one
electrode to the other, completing the electrochemical
circuit and coupling the production of hydrogen and
oxygen. Electrolytes can also help prevent mixing of
the two gas products to varying degrees, depending on
characteristics like thickness and composition.
The electrolyte itself varies according to electrolyser
type. Alkaline electrolysers use an insulating membrane
(diaphragm) that contains a concentrated liquid electrolyte
to transport hydroxide ions (OH-). PEM and AEM use
solid polymer membranes as electrolyte, transporting
protons (H+) or hydroxide ions respectively. Similarly, SO
electrolysers use a solid ceramic material as the electrolyte
to transport O2-.
Balance of plant
The balance of plant varies depending on the electrolyser
type and specific product, but broadly includes an
electronic control system, a power supply unit, temperature
control equipment, a water treatment circuit, separation
and purification equipment, and connecting elements
for liquid and gas management. The power supply unit
comprises a transformer and a rectifier; temperature
control encompasses a heat exchanger and cooling unit;
the water treatment circuit includes filters and reverse
osmosis or desalination equipment; separation and
purification involve liquid-gas separators, de-oxygenation
units and dryers; and liquid-gas management requires
pumps, gas compressors, pipes and storage vessels.
Specific electrolyser types also have additional
requirements, such as circuits to process the concentrated
electrolyte in alkaline systems, specialised water treatment
filters in PEM systems, or heating and evaporator elements
in solid oxide electrolysers.48
Electrolyser types differ in terms of electrolyte, catalyst
and electrode materials, cell design, and BoP equipment.
These differences are the result of leveraging distinct
electrolysis mechanisms, which in turn influence operating
conditions. Refer to Figure 8 and Figure 9 on the following
page for the generic structures across the major electrolyser
types considered in this report.
48 IRENA (2020) Green Hydrogen Cost Reduction: Scaling up Electrolysers to Meet the 1.50C Climate Goal. 34–39. International Renewable Energy Agency,
Abu Dhabi.
Figure 8. Generic structure and components for alkaline, proton exchange membrane (PEM) and anion exchange membrane (AEM)
electrolysers with a zero-gap cell design.49
Note: AEM electrolysers use a less concentrated solution as liquid electrolyte and can operate at higher pressures compared to conventional alkaline
electrolysers, resulting in comparatively lower electrolyte handling and compression requirements.
Figure 9. Generic structure and components for a solid oxide electrolyser (SOE) with a planar cell design.50
Note: Conventionally, the thicker support layer is the electrolyte (as depicted), but other substrates are possible (e.g., the cathode).
49 Cell and stack based on: Badgett et al. (2022) WATER ELECTROLYZERS AND FUEL CELLS SUPPLY CHAIN DEEP DIVE ASSESSMENT. U.S. Department of Energy.
; Lagadec MF,
Grimaud A (2020) Water electrolysers with closed and open electrochemical systems. Nature Materials 19, 1140; Lim A, Kim H, Henkensmeier D, Jong Yoo
S, Young Kim J, Young Lee S, Sung Y-E, Jang JH, Park HS (2019) A study on electrode fabrication and operation variables affecting the performance of anion
exchange membrane water electrolysis. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 76, 410; López-Fernández E, Sacedón CG, Gil-Rostra J, Yubero F,
González-Elipe AR, de Lucas-Consuegra A (2021) Recent Advances in Alkaline Exchange Membrane Water Electrolysis and Electrode Manufacturing. Molecules
26, 6326; Ove Arup & Partners Limited (2022) Assessment of electrolysers: Final report. Edinburgh. (accessed 1 August 2024); Tüysüz H (2024) Alkaline Water Electrolysis for Green Hydrogen Production. Accounts of Chemical Research 57,
558–567. Balance of plant based on: IRENA (2020) Green Hydrogen Cost Reduction: Scaling up Electrolysers to Meet the 1.50C Climate Goal. 36–37. International
Renewable Energy Agency, Abu Dhabi. .
50 Cell and stack based on: Flis G, Wakim G (2023) Solid Oxide Electrolysis: A Technology Status Assessment. 9–10. Clean Air Task Force, Boston, United States.
. Balance of plant based on: IRENA (2020) Green Hydrogen
Cost Reduction: Scaling up Electrolysers to Meet the 1.50C Climate Goal. 36–37. International Renewable Energy Agency, Abu Dhabi. ; Flis G, Wakim G (2023) Solid Oxide Electrolysis: A Technology Status
Assessment. 11. Clean Air Task Force, Boston, United States. .
2.3 Differentiating factors between electrolyser types
The differences in materials and cell design across electrolyser types affect the components and fabrication techniques
used during manufacturing, as well as the final configuration of the system.
These differences also determine technical parameters like temperature and pressure conditions, energy efficiencies,
stack durability, ramping dynamics, and hydrogen purity, which are directly relevant to the economics of electrolysis
at large scale. Table 4 summarises the economic implications of key operational parameters that vary between
electrolyser types.
Table 4. Economic implications of key operational parameters varying across electrolyser types
Economic implications
Energy efficiency
Energy efficiency at the stack and system level affects a project’s operational expenditure and, ultimately,
its financial viability. This is due to the large influence of electricity prices on the overall cost to produce one
kilogram (kg) of hydrogen.
Stack durability
Stack durability can impact both operational and capital expenditure. A reduced stack lifetime can result
in more frequent replacements of a high value component, requiring additional capital investment.
Progressive degradation can also reduce stack efficiency, leading to greater electricity consumption to
maintain the same hydrogen output, which increases operating expenditures and overall production costs.
Operating pressure
The pressure at which an electrolyser operates determines the extent of additional compression required.
This influences the balance of plant equipment to be used and overall system footprint, both of which have
capital expenditure implications. Adequate compression itself is also important for the economically viable
transport and distribution of hydrogen.
Operating temperature can increase energy efficiency at the stack level but potentially reduce the durability of
sensitive components (such as electrolytes), with the expenditure and production implications outlined above.
Ramping dynamics
Ramping dynamics determine an operation’s capacity to respond strategically to variations in the electricity
supply, either in terms of price or availability. This can influence operational expenditure, as projects may
ramp down hydrogen production during periods with higher cost and ramp up at other times. Additionally,
off-grid operations may contend with the intermittency of renewable energy sources. This is particularly
relevant in countries like Australia, that seek to leverage renewable energy sources extensively for large
electrolyser projects.
Hydrogen purity
The purity of the hydrogen produced also has capital and operational expense implications. Lower purity
hydrogen may not be usable in sensitive applications (such as silicon devices or fuel cell-powered vehicles)
and may require further processing, which translates into additional balance of plant equipment.
Distinct features enable each electrolyser type to play a role in contexts most suited to their use. Table 5 provides an
overview of each electrolyser type, their maturity at scale, the materials and designs used, key features, possible contexts
of use and areas of interest for innovation.
Table 5. Overview of key differentiators across electrolyser types
(TRL at scale) a
Share of installed
capacity (2022) b
Materials and design c
Distinctive features c
Potential contexts of use
Areas of recent innovation d
Potassium hydroxide solution as
liquid electrolyte, nickel-based
catalysts, nickel and stainless steel
in porous transport layers and
bipolar plates, and a zirconium
oxide‑polysulfone membrane in
either a conventional or zero-gap
design (in which the electrodes and
diaphragm are immediately adjacent,
without spacing).
Less expensive materials used in key
components, helping reduce cost at
the stack level.
Compatible with renewable energy
sources due to sufficiently fast ramp
up and down rates. However, the
power range over which fast ramping
dynamics take place could be limited
by the crossover of hydrogen into the
anode side at lower current densities.
Crossover results in high proportions
of hydrogen in oxygen, which
attracts safety considerations.
Larger system footprint and
expenditure in balance of plant
equipment, which can translate
into increased capital costs.
Alkaline electrolysers reach a
lower maximum pressure and
hydrogen purity than PEM
(up to 5N), potentially requiring
additional components for
compression and purification.
The use of a concentrated potassium
hydroxide solution also requires
additional processing.
Alkaline electrolysers may be used
in large scale projects with lower
purity requirements to manage
capital investment. This can include
industrial applications like heat
provision for alumina refineries or
calcination in mineral processing.
Improving energy efficiency and
balance of plant requirements:
Recent designs aim to produce
pressurised hydrogen and reduce
electric resistance, minimising the
energy lost as heat and increasing
overall efficiency. Pressurisation
and reduced heat production also
minimise the need for balance of plant
components involved in compression
and cooling, enabling cost reductions.
(TRL at scale) a
Share of installed
capacity (2022) b
Materials and design c
Distinctive features c
Potential contexts of use
Areas of recent innovation d
Proton exchange membrane (PEM)
Iridium and platinum-based catalysts
(for anode and cathode respectively),
gold or platinum-coated titanium for
the porous transport and outermost
layers, and a fluoropolymer-based
proton exchange membrane for H+
transport from anode to cathode,
in a zero-gap design.
Reduced need for additional
purification and compression
that can reduce capital and
operational costs, due to production
of highly pure hydrogen (up to 6N)
at high pressure.
Highly compatible with renewable
energy sources, due to the fastest
ramp dynamics among electrolyser
types in this report. Like alkaline
electrolysers, ramping is limited by
hydrogen crossover, but the power
range over which it can occur is
wider for PEM.
Cost challenges from the expensive
materials used in catalysts, porous
transport layers, and bipolar plates to
withstand highly acidic conditions.
Attracts environmental and
economic considerations for
end‑of‑life (EOL) disposal
and recycling. This is due to the
fluoropolymer‑based membrane
(which constitutes a per- and
polyfluoroalkyl substance, PFAS)
and the potential for recovering
the highly expensive metals present
in catalysts, porous transport layers
and bipolar plates.
PEM electrolysers may be used in
applications requiring pressurised
production at high purity, or
where reduced footprint with high
production volumes can reduce
capital expenditure. This may be
desirable for aviation fuel production
or heavy haulage vehicle recharging
stations, where the space available
is limited. PEM electrolysers may
also be deployed as part of systems
requiring fast, flexible ramping,
like independent renewable energy
grids or peaking power plants for
energy conversion.
Developing alternative materials for
greater efficiency and lower cost:
Enhanced membranes (based on
alternative polymers, reduced
thickness, increased conductivity,
and lower hydrogen crossover)
could avoid the use of current
fluoropolymers, improve overall
energy efficiency and increase
hydrogen purity. Meanwhile,
alternative catalyst materials could
replace or reduce the use of expensive
elements in current PEM models.
Improving techniques used to form
catalyst layers to minimise losses
and optimising membrane handling
to prevent defects are also areas
of interest.
(TRL at scale) a
Share of installed
capacity (2022) b
Materials and design c
Distinctive features c
Potential contexts of use
Areas of recent innovation d
Solid oxide
Slightly different cell design
comprising mostly ceramic
materials: a solid electrolyte
made of yttrium‑stabilised
zirconia (YSZ); an anode (or air
electrode) containing lanthanum
and strontium‑based compounds
that also feature transition metals
like manganese, iron and cobalt;
a cathode (or fuel electrode)
composed of nickel oxide and YSZ;
metal and metal oxide current
collectors (for anode and cathode);
an outermost interconnector layer
comprising ferritic stainless steel and
ceramic material, or metal (for anode
and cathode respectively); and
glass-ceramic sealants (e.g., barium
aluminosilicates). An intermediate
layer of gadolinium-doped ceria
(GDC) or yttrium-doped ceria (YDC)
may also be present between the
electrolyte and the anode (or air
electrode) to help with thermal
Increased hydrogen production
efficiency by using heat,
with potential for reduced
operational expenditure.
Less expensive ceramic materials,
which can reduce stack costs.
Reduced durability of the ceramic
materials due to damage caused by
large thermal differences in frequent
start-shut off cycles.
Limited compatibility with
renewable energy sources
due to slow ramping dynamics.
Potential for additional
operational and capital costs
from additional processing
for sensitive applications.
This is because hydrogen purity
(up to 3N) and output pressure are
lower than those obtained with
PEM systems.
Solid oxide electrolysers are likely
to be deployed in industrial or
energy production operations
that have excess or waste heat
available, to leverage the increase
in energy efficiency associated with
higher temperatures. For example,
while not traditional hydrogen
producers, nuclear power plants
could be a group of interest given
the availability of high-grade heat
and electricity that can be supplied.
This would apply to countries in
which the plants are already available
and operate cost-effectively.
Solid oxide electrolysers are also
capable of co-electrolysis – the
simultaneous use of hydrogen
and carbon dioxide to produce
hydrocarbon compounds.
This opens a potential role in
producing value‑added compounds
from captured CO2, such as
sustainable aviation fuels (SAF),
methanol for maritime engines, or
methane for natural gas replacement.
Increasing durability and coupling
with other processes for product
versatility: Increasing the durability
of ceramic materials when exposed
to significant temperature changes,
advancing cell geometries with
mechanical advantages (e.g., advanced
tubular designs), minimising stack
degradation and reducing the cost of
components like the interconnector
can extend stack lifetime and reduce
its cost.
Besides durability, the development
and implementation of alternative
ceramic materials that conduct
protons (H+ as opposed to O2-)
can provide benefits across higher
conductivity, lower operating
temperatures, and higher purity of
produced hydrogen.
Other major areas of interest
include the use of SO electrolysers
in reversible mode (i.e., as fuel
cells), co‑electrolysis to process CO2
into carbon-containing feedstock
(e.g., methanol, SAF), and coupling
with downstream processes for
energy-efficient ammonia production.
(TRL at scale) a
Share of installed
capacity (2022) b
Materials and design c
Distinctive features c
Potential contexts of use
Areas of recent innovation d
Anion exchange membrane (AEM)
No data
Uses a zero-gap design with a
anion exchange membrane that
transports OH- from cathode
to anode. Alkaline conditions allow
nickel and cobalt-based catalysts,
along with nickel, stainless steel,
and carbon‑based materials
for the porous transport and
outermost layers (depending on
the electrode side).
Less expensive materials and fast
ramping dynamics, which makes
it compatible with intermittent
energy sources.
Lower conductivity, durability and
stability of current anion-exchange
membranes than PEM counterparts.
However, the polymers used are
not classified as PFAS, avoiding
the regulatory considerations
these attract.
Potential for additional operational
and capital costs from the use of a
potassium hydroxide or potassium
carbonate solution to increase
overall performance (at significantly
lower concentrations than those of
alkaline electrolysers). The use of
such solutions involves additional
processing requirements and can
reduce membrane durability.
AEM electrolysers may be used in
projects targeting higher operating
pressures than those of alkaline
electrolysers and lower capital costs
than PEM systems.
Improving performance and
durability: Areas of interest include
increasing membrane stability,
reducing resistance, minimising
the need for alkaline conditions
(e.g., through alternatives to
potassium hydroxide), and
exploring alternative catalysts.
a The 4 electrolyser types are already commercially available but have different maturity levels at scale. Based on IEA (2023) Electrolysers – Innovation. Low-Emission Fuels. International Energy Agency. (accessed 1 August 2024).
b The percentages are presented as reported by the International Energy Agency. Shares do not add to 100%, likely due to absence of definitive information on the specific electrolyser type used in a portion of the projects assessed.
IEA (2023) Global hydrogen Review 2023. 68–70. International Energy Agency, Paris. .
c General: IRENA (2020) Green Hydrogen Cost Reduction: Scaling up Electrolysers to Meet the 1.5°C Climate Goal. 32, 65–66. International Renewable Energy Agency, Abu Dhabi; Martinez Lopez VA, Ziar H, Haverkort JW, Zeman M,
Isabella O (2023) Dynamic operation of water electrolyzers: A review for applications in photovoltaic systems integration. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 182, 113; and Ove Arup & Partners Limited (2022) Assessment of
electrolysers: Final report. Edinburgh; Alkaline: de Groot MT, Kraakman J, Garcia Barros RL (2022) Optimal operating parameters for advanced alkaline water electrolysis. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 47, 34773; Moreno-
González M, Mardle P, Zhu S, Gholamkhass B, Jones S, Chen N, Britton B, Holdcroft S (2023) One year operation of an anion exchange membrane water electrolyzer utilizing Aemion+® membrane: Minimal degradation, low H2
crossover and high efficiency. Journal of Power Sources Advances 19, 100109; Trinke P, Haug P, Brauns J, Bensmann B, Hanke-Rauschenbach R, Turek T (2018) Hydrogen Crossover in PEM and Alkaline Water Electrolysis: Mechanisms,
Direct Comparison and Mitigation Strategies. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 165, F502; Tüysüz H (2024) Alkaline Water Electrolysis for Green Hydrogen Production. Accounts of Chemical Research 57, 558–567; PEM and AEM:
Badgett et al. (2022) WATER ELECTROLYZERS AND FUEL CELLS SUPPLY CHAIN DEEP DIVE ASSESSMENT. U.S. Department of Energy. ; Lagadec MF, Grimaud A (2020) Water electrolysers with closed and open electrochemical systems. Nature Materials 19, 1140; Lim A, Kim H, Henkensmeier D, Jong Yoo S, Young Kim J,
Young Lee S, Sung Y-E, Jang JH, Park HS (2019) A study on electrode fabrication and operation variables affecting the performance of anion exchange membrane water electrolysis. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 76,
410; López-Fernández E, Sacedón CG, Gil-Rostra J, Yubero F, González-Elipe AR, de Lucas-Consuegra A (2021) Recent Advances in Alkaline Exchange Membrane Water Electrolysis and Electrode Manufacturing. Molecules 26, 6326. SOE:
Badgett A, Brauch J, Buchheit K, Hackett G, Li Y, Melaina M, Ruth M, Sandor D, Summers M, Upasani S (2022) WATER ELECTROLYZERS AND FUEL CELLS SUPPLY CHAIN DEEP DIVE ASSESSMENT. U.S. Department of Energy. ; Gaikwad PS, Mondal K, Shin YK, van Duin ACT, Pawar G (2023) Enhancing the Faradaic efficiency of
solid oxide electrolysis cells: progress and perspective. npj Computational Materials 9, 149; He S, Zou Y, Chen K, Jiang SP (2023) A critical review of key materials and issues in solid oxide cells. Interdisciplinary Materials 2, 11; Nechache
A, Hody S (2021) Alternative and innovative solid oxide electrolysis cell materials: A short review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 149, 111322.
d Consultations with industry and research stakeholders conducted by CSIRO Futures; Harrison SB (2024) Electrolyser innovations PEM, alkaline, SOEC, and AEM. Hydrogen Tech World Conference, Essen. 26th June 2024. ; Kim D, Lee TK, Han S, Jung Y, Lee DG, Choi M, Lee W (2023) Advances and challenges in developing protonic ceramic cells.
Materials Today Energy 36, 101365.
2.4 Manufacturing process
End-to-end manufacturing of hydrogen electrolysers can be broken down into five stages:
1. Raw material processing, producing intermediate
materials (out of scope for this report).
2. Component manufacturing, combining materials
into individual cell components like membranes and
bipolar plates.
3. Cell fabrication, bringing individual components
together into the core of the cell architecture, the
membrane electrode assembly (MEA); with the
process varying slightly for SO electrolysers due to
differences in material and overall configuration.
4. Cell stack assembly, combining individual MEAs with
the bipolar plates to form single cells, aligning the cells
(in a semi- or fully automated way), and compressing
into stacks; with additional steps for SO electrolysers.
5. System assembly, connecting stacks to the balance of
plant equipment, completing the overall system.
Specific techniques can vary depending on the electrolyser
type (notably for solid oxide electrolysers), specific model,
scale of production, and manufacturer. Figure 10 and Figure
11 provide an overview of the electrolyser value chain and
the general manufacturing processes used.
Figure 10. General manufacturing processes for alkaline, PEM and AEM electrolysers with a zero-gap cell design
Figure 11. General manufacturing processes for SO electrolysers with a planar cell design a
a In SO electrolysers, intermediate materials can be used directly to fabricate the cell, so this stage is not depicted. However, it is worth noting that the end
plates for the stack would still require a component manufacturing stage.
Raw material
Production of
the intermediate
materials required
for each component
(e.g., nickel powder)
Production of the
pre‑made components
used in cell fabrication
(e.g., porous transport
layers, bipolar plates,
and end plates)
Cell fabrication
(zero-gap design)
Catalyst ink
preparation, coating
(CCM or CCS),
and pressing
Cell stack assembly
Cell assembly,
sealing, stacking
and compression
System assembly
Connection to balance
of plant equipment
Raw material
Production of the
intermediate materials
required for each
component (e.g., YSZ)
Cell fabrication
(planar design)
Catalyst ink preparation,
casting the support layer,
and printing, drying and
sintering the thinner layers
Cell stack assembly
Manufacturing the
interconnector (stamping,
etching, coating, and sintering),
welding and sealing cells
together and finishing the stack
(sintering, compressing and
reducing metal oxides)
System assembly
Connection to balance of
stack to form a hot-box
and connection of multiple
hot‑boxes to balance of plant
1. Raw materials processing
Raw material processing, out of scope for this report,
includes all activities to produce the intermediate
materials used in component manufacturing, such
as perfluorosulfonic acid, iridium oxide, or nickel
metal powder.
2. Component manufacturing
Component manufacturing covers the methods needed
to combine the intermediate materials into key cell
components: separator (membrane or diaphragm),
porous transport layers, outermost layer (bipolar plates,
interconnector plates and endplates), frames, and seals.
3. Cell fabrication
Cell fabrication focusses on forming catalyst layers,
bringing together the membrane with the porous transport
layers, and sealing them to form a single membrane
electrode assembly (MEA). For SO electrolysers cell
fabrication works similarly, although the process focusses
on sequentially producing electrolyte and electrode layers.
Formation of the anode and cathode catalyst layers is
crucial to this stage:
• PEM, AEM and Alkaline: zero-gap designs
PEM, AEM and Alkaline electrolysers with a zero-gap
design use either a catalyst-coated membrane (CCM) or
catalyst-coated substrate (CCS) approach. Both involve
preparing a catalyst ink by thoroughly mixing the catalyst
material alongside a solvent and a suitable binder, at
specific proportions. Then, coating either the membrane
(CCM) or the porous transport layer (CCS) with the ink
through a process compatible with commercial scale
production, followed by hot or cold pressing.51
Direct membrane deposition is an emerging alternative
in which the porous transport layer is first coated with
the catalyst and afterwards with a thin layer of the
material that forms the membrane.52
• Solid Oxide electrolysers
SO electrolysers employ a slightly different fabrication
process, but can leverage similar equipment to produce
layers and coatings at high volume (e.g., roll-to-roll
tape casting and screen printing). The process involves
preparing catalyst and electrolyte inks and laying
an initial, thicker support layer through a casting
method followed by sintering at high temperature.
Conventionally, this support layer is the electrolyte or the
cathode, although the anode or other substrates may be
chosen instead.53 Thinner layers are then printed onto the
support layer, dried and sintered to form: the electrolyte
or cathode (depending on which was used as the support
layer), an intermediate or barrier layer (if required), and
the anode. Laser cutting can be used at different stages
of the process to separate individual cells.54
51 Lin X, Seow JZY, Xu ZJ (2023) A brief introduction of electrode fabrication for proton exchange membrane water electrolyzers. Journal of Physics: Energy
5, 034003; Mayyas A, Ruth M, Pivovar B, Bender G, Wipke K (2018) Manufacturing Cost Analysis for Proton Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyzers.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO. ; Raja Sulaiman RR, Wong WY, Loh KS (2022) Recent
developments on transition metal–based electrocatalysts for application in anion exchange membrane water electrolysis. International Journal of Energy
Research 46, 2241; Ruth M, Mayyas A, Mann M (2017) Manufacturing Competitiveness Analysis for PEM and Alkaline Water Electrolysis Systems. National
Renewable Energy Laboratory, Fuel Cell Seminar and Energy Expo. (accessed 4 August 2024).
52 Lin X, Seow JZY, Xu ZJ (2023) A brief introduction of electrode fabrication for proton exchange membrane water electrolyzers. Journal of Physics: Energy
5, 034003; Xu Q, Zhang L, Zhang J, Wang J, Hu Y, Jiang H, Li C (2022) Anion Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyzer: Electrode Design, Lab-Scaled Testing
System and Performance Evaluation. EnergyChem 4, 100087.
53 Different support substrates attract performance and operational implications. The use of an inert external substrate or the interconnect is also possible.
Kuterbekov KA, Nikonov A V., Bekmyrza KZh, Pavzderin NB, Kabyshev AM, Kubenova MM, Kabdrakhimova GD, Aidarbekov N (2022) Classification of Solid
Oxide Fuel Cells. Nanomaterials 12, 1059.
Anghilante R, Colomar D, Brisse A, Marrony M (2018) Bottom-up cost evaluation of SOEC systems in the range of 10–100 MW. International Journal of
Hydrogen Energy 43, 20309; James BD, Prosser JH, Das S (2022) HTE Stack Manufacturing Cost Analysis. Strategic Analysis. (accessed 10 October 2024); Nechache A, Hody S (2021) Alternative and innovative solid
oxide electrolysis cell materials: A short review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 149, 111322; Ureña V, Ruiz K, Ciaurriz P, Judez X, Aguado M,
Garbayo I (2023) Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells Fabrication: From Single Cells to Batch Production. ECS Transactions 111, 295.
54 The side in which the layers are printed will vary depending on whether the electrolyte or the cathode are selected as the support layer. In a
cathode‑supported cell the electrolyte would be printed, followed by the intermediate layer and then the anode. In an electrolyte-supported cell the
cathode would be printed on one side, with the intermediate layer and the anode printed on the other side.
4. Cell stack assembly
In alkaline, PEM and AEM, the MEA and the bipolar plates
are assembled to form single cells (with sealing material
printed or injection moulded to serve as gaskets). Multiple
cells are aligned, connected, and compressed into stacks,
with metal end plates added to each side.55
At this stage, SO electrolysers manufacture the outermost
interconnection layer, which requires its own process
of stamping, etching and cutting the metal connector,
followed by coating with a perovskite material (on
the anode side) or adding a thin metal contact (on the
cathode side). The interconnector is brought together with
the electrodes and the cells are aligned, welded, sealed
together and sintered to form the stack. The stack itself is
then subjected to conditioning, which involves compression
and hydrogen reduction to ensure any nickel oxide present
in the catalyst is reduced to its metallic form. As with other
electrolyser types, end plates are also added to each side of
the stack.56
After assembly, cell stacks for all electrolyser types undergo
quality control and testing to ensure stack integrity and
adequate operation.
5. System assembly
The full electrolyser system is assembled by connecting
the stacks to the balance of plant equipment, a process
sometimes referred to as packaging. For SO electrolysers
there is an extra step of connecting balance of stack
components to form a hot-box, a unit comprising the stack,
insulation material and potentially heat management
components (e.g., a heat exchanger). Multiple hot-boxes are
then connected to balance of plant equipment, completing
the system.57
An overview of more specific materials and processes used
across the four electrolyser types is available in Appendix 5.6.
55 Mayyas A, Ruth M, Pivovar B, Bender G, Wipke K (2018) Manufacturing Cost Analysis for Proton Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyzers. National
Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO.
56 Anghilante R, Colomar D, Brisse A, Marrony M (2018) Bottom-up cost evaluation of SOEC systems in the range of 10–100 MW. International Journal of
Hydrogen Energy 43, 20309; James BD, Prosser JH, Das S (2022) HTE Stack Manufacturing Cost Analysis. Strategic Analysis. (accessed 10 October 2024); Rachau M (2023) Production of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell and
Electrolyzer Stacks using HORIBA FuelCon’s Sintering Equipment. Feature Article – HORIBA. (accessed 11 October 2024).
57 van ‘t Noordende H, van Berkel F, Stodolny M (2023) Next Level Solid Oxide Electrolysis. Institute for Sustainable Process Technology, Netherlands.
3 The pathways to HEM
This chapter assesses HEM in Australia across seven
key areas: Advanced manufacturing, materials sourcing,
skills and workforce, R&D and innovation, unit cost
reductions, supply chain alignment, and regulatory
and environmental considerations.
Each of these seven key areas is broken down into
sub‑areas, which consider:
• Electrolyser manufacturing requirements
• Australia’s current alignment with these
requirements, and
• Scale-up considerations for Australia to bridge the gaps
between what is required and the current state.
This basis can help identify tangible pathways towards an
Australian role across the hydrogen electrolyser value chain.
Figure 12 below presents an overview of the seven areas,
with further context provided in each individual section.
The assessment was formulated through a combination of
desktop review and consultations with researchers, national
and international electrolyser manufacturers, and other
hydrogen industry stakeholders. Case studies are provided
where relevant, but these are not exhaustive of the direct
and indirect capabilities in the Australian manufacturing
ecosystem that could be leveraged for HEM.
Figure 12. Australia’s current alignment with HEM requirements across seven key areas.
Note: The minimum requirements for hydrogen electrolyser manufacturing are presented on the left, starting with advanced manufacturing as the core
activity. Areas that directly influence the opportunity as strategy and competition enablers are presented on the right, starting with R&D and innovation
as a key differentiator.
Hydrogen electrolyser manufacturing in Australia
Cell fabrication
and stack
System assembly
Raw materials
Balance of plant
Skills and
Cell fabrication
and stack
and continuous
R&D and
for product
R&D projects
and testing
addressing key
Unit cost
reductions in
Electricity prices
Labour rates
Supply chain
Level of demand
Regulatory and
Minimum requirements
Strategy and competition enablers
No direct activity or significant effort
needed to increase alignment. May require
actions that overlap with other strategic
areas for Australia (e.g., energy storage).
Limited direct activity or highly relevant
indirect activity. Opportunity for expansion
given relevant local capabilities but will
require support and strategic integration.
Good current positioning given
direct activity. Can be readily
leveraged for HEM.
3.1 Advanced manufacturing
What it is: In the context of this report, advanced
manufacturing is defined as the use of knowledge- and
technology-intensive synthesis, modification, or fabrication
processes for novel or conventional products; or the
production of a specialised, knowledge-intensive
end-product through novel or conventional means.58
Electrolysers fit under both interpretations of the definition,
given the use of advanced fabrication processes and
technology for production at scale, and the technical
complexity of the product itself.
Why it is important: Domestic advanced manufacturing is
key to reduce reliance on imports, capture the economic
benefits from high-value and IP-intensive segments of a
value chain, and build sovereign capabilities that may be
transferrable across multiple manufacturing opportunities.
Moreover, alongside materials and design, reliability in
manufacturing at scale is key to a cell stack’s efficiency,
long-term durability and stability under harsh operational
conditions (from highly acidic or alkaline environments to
elevated temperatures and pressures).
Key areas: Electrolyser manufacturing can be divided into
two types of facilities. Those focussed on cell fabrication
and stack assembly and those performing system assembly.
Each facility has different manufacturing processes, relevant
technical skills, and operational requirements. A description
of the electrolyser manufacturing process can be found in
Section 2.4.
What is involved?
Australia’s alignment with requirements
Cell fabrication and stack assembly involve processes across
casting (drop, tape or slip), printing (screen or inkjet), spraying,
deposition (electrodeposition, chemical or physical vapour
deposition), decal transfer, etching, pressing (hot or cold),
sealing, and sintering (in the case of SO electrolysers).
These processes require high quality and consistency and are
currently performed slowly, particularly by emerging electrolyser
manufacturers. Catalyst ink preparation and coating processes
in particular involve significant know-how and optimisation to
ensure adequate catalyst quantity and uniform dispersion.
Both cell fabrication and stack assembly are highly amenable
to automation and achieving higher throughput will involve
parallel equipment or manufacturing innovations to directly
increase speed.
Cell fabrication and stack assembly are being performed at smaller
scale by emerging Australian manufacturers. This activity will
require integration with national and international component
manufacturers and scaling up to remain in Australia.
Since the manufacturing processes required have not traditionally
been done at scale in Australia, the capabilities must be brought
in from overseas markets or transferred across from other local
Crucially, the processes used in this area are relevant to the
manufacturing of other renewable energy technologies
(e.g., lithium-ion batteries) and remain an area of continuous
development for everyone, not just Australian companies.
System assembly involves connecting cell stacks to the balance
of plant, from the electronic components needed to control the
overall operation, to auxiliary systems for gas and liquid handling.
It is a more manual process by virtue of the welding and fitting
required and the confined spaces to reach. However, there is
scope for digital- and automation-driven approaches to streamline
tasks while ensuring high precision, to the benefit of cost
and scalability.
The country already has the basis needed for electrolyser
assembly, which is reliant on mechanical, electrical and gas
handling expertise.
58 This definition builds upon similar concepts from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the Australian Government Department of Industry,
Science and Resources, and the United States’ National Strategy for Advanced Manufacturing. ABS (2015) Summary of IT Use and Innovation in
Selected Growth Sectors, Australia, 2013-14. (accessed 25 September 2024); DISR (n.d.) Advanced
manufacturing and materials technologies. Department of Industry, Science and Resources. (accessed 25 September 2024); Subcommittee on Advanced
Manufacturing (2022) National Strategy for Advanced Manufacturing. National Science and Technology Council. 2. (accessed 25 September 2024).
Implications for Australia
Scaling up will be an important challenge for both segments of the HEM value chain, with three complementary pathways
for Australian participants:
Importing overseas
manufacturing equipment
Integrating relevant local activity
from other manufacturing areas
Considering manufacturing partnerships
with international partners
The manufacturing equipment required
for cell fabrication and stack assembly
at scale (e.g., tape casting, coat printing
and roll-to-roll) is conventionally
obtained from overseas at a premium,
potentially affecting the cost of locally
made electrolysers. This can create a
comparative disadvantage for Australia
with countries that have a large scale
domestic industry producing the required
manufacturing equipment (e.g., China).
Cell fabrication and stack assembly are
already done locally at smaller scales
in Australia. For instance, Cavendish
Renewable Technology currently performs
membrane manufacturing, substrate
coating with catalysts and stack assembly
onshore.59 Similarly, Fortescue, Endua,
Hysata and Hadean all have the required
capabilities for their respective designs and
electrolyser types.
Prospective Australian manufacturers
do not have to target every portion of
the value chain immediately or perform
manufacturing at scale in isolation.
It is possible to scale up and build a
domestic HEM ecosystem progressively by
integrating existing activities from other
manufacturing areas and strategically using
locally developed IP.
Some of the key manufacturing processes
relevant to HEM are presented below,
as a reference to map and integrate
local capabilities.
Emerging electrolyser manufacturers may
leverage a triple pronged approach where
they focus on product development and
improvement, produce systems themselves
for smaller scale applications, and enter
joint ventures where overseas partners can
manufacture the equipment at large scale
and closer to hydrogen producers.
This pathway to a scaled up operation
would rely on recent patents for electrolyser
and manufacturing innovations and strong
protection practices to retain control over
locally developed IP.
Commonalities – manufacturing processes used
across different electrolyser types
A location may not have a longstanding history with
electrolysers specifically, but some of the techniques
required may already be in use at scale by local
manufacturers for other purposes. Awareness of shared
processes can help connect relevant stakeholders, guide
the transfer of capabilities, inform the establishment of
clean technology manufacturing precincts that aggregate
processes in a single location, or highlight future
opportunities across different electrolyser types.
Table 6 shows areas of overlap for each production stage,
and Appendix 5.6 provides a complete overview of the
materials, components and manufacturing processes
required for each electrolyser type.
59 Harrison S (2023) Interview: Ensuring AEM will be a significant slice of the electrolyser pie. Gasworld, November 24. (accessed 8 September 2024).
Table 6. Overlaps in manufacturing processes used for each electrolyser type, across production stages.
Component manufacturing
Cell fabrication (zero-gap design)
Cell stack assembly
ink preparation
or substrate
Cell assembly
Alkaline a
Solution or
processes as
anode side,
smelting and
casting, or
carbon cloth
or spraying
or spraying
Mixing and
(e.g., ball,
attrition or
roll milling,
or inkjet),
roll-to-roll, or
decal transfer
Hot or cold
Assembly of
MEA with
plates, screen
printing or
gaskets, and
cell stack
with balance
of plant
(PEM) b
metallurgy or
carbon cloth
(AEM) c
Smelting and
casting or
carbon cloth
casting or
a James B, Huya-Kouadio J, Acevedo Y, McNamara K (2021) Liquid Alkaline Electrolysis Techno-Economic Review. Strategic Analysis.
(accessed 4th August 2024); Razmjooei F, Liu T, Azevedo DA, Hadjixenophontos E, Reissner R, Schiller G, Ansar SA, Friedrich KA (2020) Improving plasma sprayed Raney-type nickel–molybdenum electrodes towards high-performance
hydrogen evolution in alkaline medium. Scientific Reports 10, 10948; Ruth M, Mayyas A, Mann M (2017) Manufacturing Competitiveness Analysis for PEM and Alkaline Water Electrolysis Systems. National Renewable Energy
Laboratory, Fuel Cell Seminar and Energy Expo. (accessed 4 August 2024).
b Lagadec MF, Grimaud A (2020) Water electrolysers with closed and open electrochemical systems. Nature Materials 19, 1140; Lin X, Seow JZY, Xu ZJ (2023) A brief introduction of electrode fabrication for proton exchange membrane
water electrolyzers. Journal of Physics: Energy 5, 034003; Mayyas A, Ruth M, Pivovar B, Bender G, Wipke K (2018) Manufacturing Cost Analysis for Proton Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyzers. National Renewable Energy
Laboratory, Golden, CO. ; Yu HN, Lim JW, Kim MK, Lee DG (2012) Plasma treatment of the carbon fiber bipolar plate for PEM fuel cell. Composite Structures 94, 1911.
c Lim A, Kim H, Henkensmeier D, Jong Yoo S, Young Kim J, Young Lee S, Sung Y-E, Jang JH, Park HS (2019) A study on electrode fabrication and operation variables affecting the performance of anion exchange membrane water electrolysis.
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 76, 410; López-Fernández E, Sacedón CG, Gil-Rostra J, Yubero F, González-Elipe AR, de Lucas-Consuegra A (2021) Recent Advances in Alkaline Exchange Membrane Water Electrolysis and
Electrode Manufacturing. Molecules 26, 6326; Raja Sulaiman RR, Wong WY, Loh KS (2022) Recent developments on transition metal–based electrocatalysts for application in anion exchange membrane water electrolysis. International
Journal of Energy Research 46, 2241; Tricker AW, Lee JK, Shin JR, Danilovic N, Weber AZ, Peng X (2023) Design and operating principles for high-performing anion exchange membrane water electrolyzers. Journal of Power Sources 567,
232967; Xu Q, Zhang L, Zhang J, Wang J, Hu Y, Jiang H, Li C (2022) Anion Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyzer: Electrode Design, Lab-Scaled Testing System and Performance Evaluation. EnergyChem 4, 100087.
Cell fabrication (planar design)
Cell stack assembly
Electrolyser assembly
Electrolyte ink
Catalyst ink
Support layer
Thinner layer
Perovskite layer
and assembly
Hot-box assembly
System assembly
Solid oxide
(SO) d
Mixing and dispersion methods
(e.g., ball, attrition or roll milling,
ultrasonication) e
Tape casting
and sintering f
Screen printing,
co-casting, or
tape casting
with lamination;
drying, and
sintering f
Stamping and
Mixing, coating,
welding and
and testing g
with balance of
stack and heat
components in an
insulated unit
Connecting with
other hot-boxes
and balance of
plant equipment
d Anghilante R, Colomar D, Brisse A, Marrony M (2018) Bottom-up cost evaluation of SOEC systems in the range of 10–100 MW. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 43, 20309; Ghezel-Ayagh H (2023) Solid Oxide Electrolysis
System Demonstration DE-EE0009290. U.S. Department of Energy Hydrogen Program 2023 Annual Merit Review and Peer Evaluation Meeting. (accessed 4 August 2024); Korkmaz H, Timurkutluk B, Timurkutluk C (2016) Effects of fabrication parameters on the performance of solid oxide electrolyzer cell. International Journal of Hydrogen
Energy 41, 9723; Li P, Chen X, Sun Y, Chen T, Zhang B, Li F, Zhou J, Wang S (2023) Fabrication of anode supported solid oxide electrolysis cell with the co-tape casting technique and study on co-electrolysis characteristics. Journal
of Power Sources 569, 232912; Nechache A, Hody S (2021) Alternative and innovative solid oxide electrolysis cell materials: A short review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 149, 111322; van ‘t Noordende H, van Berkel F,
Stodolny M (2023) Next Level Solid Oxide Electrolysis. Institute for Sustainable Process Technology, Netherlands. ; Rachau M (2023) Production of Solid Oxide Fuel
Cell and Electrolyzer Stacks using HORIBA FuelCon’s Sintering Equipment. Feature Article – HORIBA. (accessed 11 October 2024); Ureña V, Ruiz K, Ciaurriz P, Judez X, Aguado M, Garbayo I (2023) Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells Fabrication: From Single Cells to Batch Production. ECS Transactions 111, 295.
e The design and component differences of solid oxide electrolysers prevent a direct alignment to alkaline, PEM and AEM. Manufacturing methods similar to those employed in the other 3 electrolyser types and used for comparable
components or production steps are underlined.
f Multiple layers may also be sintered simultaneously, given the need to minimise the defects and costs associated with multiple separate sintering steps.
g Conditioning includes stack compression and hydrogen reduction.
3.2 Materials sourcing
What it is: Materials sourcing refers to obtaining the core
items (materials or equipment) required in each segment of
the HEM supply chain.
Why it is important: An accessible domestic or
international supply that is stable and consistent reduces
vulnerability to supply chain disruptions, increases the level
of certainty over input costs and facilitates expansion of
local activities and procurement by overseas manufacturers.
Having upstream activity in intermediate materials and
components, and downstream activity in balance of plant
equipment also creates a broader ecosystem capable of
supporting other advanced manufacturing opportunities
and facilitates maintenance and repair activities onshore.
Key areas: Materials sourcing encompasses raw materials,
intermediate chemical compounds, cell components, and
equipment used in the balance of plant. Refer to Section
2.3, Table 5 for a detailed description of the materials used
in each electrolyser type.
What is involved?
Australia’s alignment with requirements
Sourcing raw materials involves mining and pre-processing
minerals that contain the metals used in catalysts,
porous transport layers, bipolar plates, and end plates
(e.g., lateritic nickel ores or rutile).
Providing raw materials such as nickel, iron, gold, titanium,
zirconium and rare earths could be an opportunity for Australia
given local deposits and current production (see Table 2).
Sourcing intermediate materials involves processing minerals
and chemical feedstock to produce high-purity compounds
that can be used directly in component manufacturing or
during cell fabrication (e.g., iridium oxide or fluoropolymers).
Each intermediate material has its own processing pathway,
which is out of scope for this report.
There are materials for cell fabrication and stack assembly
for which Australia may have to lean on suppliers from other
countries, due to limited availability.
For instance, there is no visible local production at scale of the
intermediate compounds mixed to form catalyst inks or of the
polymers used to fabricate membranes or diaphragms. This
includes the nickel-based precursors used in alkaline and AEM
catalysts, the iridium and platinum compounds used in PEM
catalysts, and the rare earths-containing ceramic materials
involved in SOE.
Other materials are available locally but could be more expensive
or in limited supply, such as the nickel metal used to produce
bipolar plates (for alkaline and AEM electrolysers) and the steel
used extensively in all electrolyser types (across both stack and
balance of plant).
Sourcing components involves manufacturing each of the
individual pieces used in electrolyser cells (e.g., porous transport
layers or bipolar plates). An overview of the materials and
processes used, which vary by component, is presented in
Appendix 5.6.
Component manufacturing is currently limited in Australia.
However, there are no clear barriers that would prevent
greater activity in the country. Particularly for alkaline and
AEM electrolysers, which use nickel extensively across a
range of components. Moreover, there is relevant component
manufacturing activity in other areas, like the aerospace and
automotive sectors, in addition to local capabilities across laser
cutting, metal stamping and machining.
Sourcing balance of plant equipment involves manufacturing
the ancillary components that support an electrolyser stack
(e.g., a power supply unit or water treatment plant).
Each piece of equipment has its own value chain, which is
out of scope for this report.
The local availability of balance of plant varies. Rectifiers for the
electrical supply, water treatment equipment, and piping can
all be obtained in Australia. Control system electronics, driers,
absorbers, valves, and pressure transducers are commonly sourced
from overseas. Items like storage vessels are available locally but
may be procured from other countries due to lower costs.
Implications for Australia
Electrolyser manufacturing at scale, both domestic and
international, represents a potential source of demand
for a range of Australian minerals. As is the case with the
supply chains of other renewable energy technologies
(e.g., batteries, magnets, solar PV panels), increasing the
value of those resources will require greater onshore
processing into intermediate materials. However, there is
limited direct activity in both intermediate materials and
component manufacturing in Australia currently, which
simultaneously reduces opportunities for local offtake
and use of minerals and poses a challenge for scaling up
cell fabrication.
Supplying balance of plant equipment to facilities focussed
on system assembly could represent an opportunity for
Australian companies with local manufacturing operations.
Moreover, certain segments, like electricity management
components, have cross-cutting importance across different
renewable energy technologies. For example, demand from
the hydrogen electrolyser value chain for rectifiers could
add to the large domestic demand for the inverter units
used in solar PV panels. The close technological similarity
between the two components could allow domestic
manufacturers to further justify investment and build a core
capability relevant to multiple market segments.
Below are two possible pathways to establish a broader
ecosystem that supports cell fabrication and stack assembly
at scale in Australia. An overview of intermediate materials
used in various electrolyser types is also provided at the
end of this section, to serve as a reference that guides the
expansion and integration of local activity.
Connecting other manufacturing areas to advance local
production of intermediate materials
Building upon existing capabilities to support
component manufacturing
Raw material processing into intermediate compounds is a
long‑term area of interest to add value to Australian minerals and
could benefit the local manufacturing of other renewable energy
technologies. A local electrolyser manufacturing ecosystem could
contribute towards aggregated demand and offtake pathways that
support the level of capital and time investment required.
Moreover, there are local companies with relevant chemicals
manufacturing expertise that could be leveraged to support
the expansion of an Australian intermediate material ecosystem.
For example, Boron Molecular focusses on boronic acid and
fine chemicals production (including electroactive polymers).
There are also pilot scale capabilities for carbon fibre, the basic
input to the carbon-based components used in the cathode-side
porous transport layer of PEM and AEM electrolysers. This is
illustrated by Deakin University’s Carbon Nexus, a carbon fibre
development and manufacturing facility in Victoria.60
There are local metallurgical, plastics production and coating
capabilities that could serve as the basis for component
manufacturing for electrolysers in Australia (see Case study 3).
Components like nickel mesh for the porous transport layer can
be obtained from local suppliers of international products but,
alongside nickel foam (another potential porous transport layer),
could be produced from the local nickel supply, by drawing
capabilities from the production of other metallic products.
Similarly, the porous transport layer for PEM electrolysers
(titanium), the interconnector for solid oxide electrolysers
(stainless steel) and general components like gaskets (plastic), and
end plates (titanium and stainless steel) could also be produced
onshore by leveraging local supplies and extending capabilities.
Moreover, there are Australian companies producing
surface‑treated components for advanced end-products,
a capability that could be relevant to produce catalyst-coated
porous transport layers or high-cost components like nickel‑plated
bipolar plates. For example, Precision Catalysts produces 3D
printed metallic mixers coated with catalyst layers for use in
chemicals manufacturing.61 Meanwhile, Lovitt Technologies
Australia, a Boeing-certified supplier, uses electroless nickel
plating at its Electromold facility in Victoria to coat parts used
in aerospace applications.62
60 Deakin University (2024) Carbon Nexus Capabilities. Institute for Frontier Materials. (accessed 16 September 2024).
61 Boron Molecular (n.d.) About us. (accessed 16 September 2024); Precision Catalysts (2024) Innovating the
worldwide approach to chemical manufacture. (accessed 16 September 2024).
62 Cardé J (2014) Good chemistry: How one small company in Australia became part of the Boeing supply chain underscores the importance of finding
opportunities to grow the company’s international business—and build relationships. Frontiers, 12(9), 38–40. (accessed 9 September 2024); Lovitt Technologies Australia (2024) Electromold. (accessed 9 September 2024).
CASE STUDY 3: Making a ceramic fuel cell ecosystem in Australia
Ceramic Fuel Cells Ltd (CFCL) began operations in 1992
focussed on the development and commercialisation of
solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs), building upon the ceramic
materials expertise accumulated at CSIRO.
The company established purpose-built cell fabrication
and testing facilities at Monash University’s Churchill
campus, which included tape casting, screen printing
and testing equipment at the kW range. In 2000 it
consolidated its activities, from R&D to production and
testing at Noble Park (VIC), followed by a main assembly
plant and commercialisation centre in Germany in 2006
to target the European market.
CFCL launched its first certified product in 2010,
a micro combined heat and power system (micro-CHP)
commercially known as BlueGen that was based on its
multilayered anode-supported ceramic cell. By 2012
the Noble Park facility was manufacturing 100,000
cells per year (equivalent to 1 MW per year), along with
matching quantities of coated interconnects and sealing.
A maximum capacity of 500 stacks per year could be
manufactured at the facility to supply BlueGen products
deployed internationally. The company also assembled a
larger quantity of stacks and balance of plant at its facility
in Germany, leveraging robotic assembly and a specialty
sintering process.63
The company moved most of its manufacturing activities
out of Noble Park after 2012, some to its operation in
Germany and some via outsourcing to supply partners.
The shift in focus to Europe was framed by a corporate
restructure to reduce costs and supporting measures
deployed in the region. There were significant Federal
and regional incentives in Germany aimed at increasing
energy production from combined heat and power
systems. These incentives reduced the capital costs of
alternative energy systems for customers, while a feed-in
tariff for supplying power to the grid contributed further
to amortisation, a measure that was also adopted in the
United Kingdom.64
The German subsidiary was acquired in 2014 by
SOLIDpower (now SolydEra), which maintained a
Melbourne-based operation and continued to develop
experienced personnel and collaborations with local
component manufacturers.65 However, CFCL itself
went into administration in 2015. Upon liquidation,
Chaozhou Three Circles Co (a contract manufacturer and
shareholder for CFCL) acquired the company, its IP and
Melbourne-based equipment, transferring it to China.
A subsequent licensing agreement was struck with
SOLIDpower on the production of BlueGen cell stacks.66
Despite no longer being in operation, CFCL built
an advanced manufacturing ecosystem in Australia
supported by a global raw material and component
supply chain that encompassed companies in
Australia and offshore. For instance, the company
collaborated locally to fabricate the coated steel
interconnects for its stacks. This included Brenco Surface
Engineering (an organisation with surface coating
and component engineering expertise), Tetlow Kilns
(furnace manufacturers) and a dedicated subsidiary of
Columbia Australia, a toolmaking business with injection
moulding and metal component expertise, originally
established in 1956 to provide dies, moulds and sand
cores for automotive companies.
Growth and diversification have been part of the latter’s
history. Columbia Australia has expanded its local
capabilities over time and eventually established an
operation in the US (Columbia Tool & Die), which went
on to supply aerospace and medical companies.67
63 CSIRO Futures, consultation; Ward C (2014) Slid Oxide Fuel Cell Technology. CSIROpedia – Achievements.
(accessed 12 September 2024).
64 Parkinson G (2012) Ceramic Fuel Cells packs its bags and moves to Europe. Renew Economy, October 30. (accessed 11 October 2024); Dow B (2012) Annual General Meeting. Ceramic Fuel Cells presentation, October
29. 9–17. (accessed 11 October 2024).
65 SolydEra (2023) What to know about SolydEra. The Company. (accessed 12 September 2024).
66 CSIRO Futures, consultation; Fuel Cells Bulletin (2015) Ceramic Fuel Cells now in administration, despite tech progress. 2015, 10. (accessed 11 October 2024); Fuel Cells Bulletin (2016) SOLIDpower links with Chinese partner
to expand BlueGEN market, German deal. 2016, 6. (accessed 11 October 2024).
67 Automated Solutions Australia (2018) Client Case Study – Brenco Surface Engineering, Victoria. (accessed 11 October 2024); Businesswire (2019) MOGAS Acquires Brenco Group, Trusted Australian Provider of Surface Coating and
Engineering Processes and Aerospace Technologies. (accessed 11 October 2024); COLUMBIA Tool & Die
(n.d.) History of Columbia Tool & Die. (accessed 12 September 2024); CSIRO Futures, consultation.
Commonalities – materials used across multiple electrolyser types
While different materials are used in each electrolyser type to account for operating conditions, costs and performance,
there are still overlaps. Material commonalities can inform electrolyser manufacturing strategies in new regions, both
by guiding the integration of local products and by highlighting areas of interest for a component manufacturing and
research ecosystem. Table 7 below summarises the intermediate materials that can be used cross components of multiple
electrolyser types.
Table 7. Overlaps in possible intermediate materials across the four electrolyser types.
Nickel powder,
foam or mesh
Titanium mesh,
felt or foam
Stainless steel
fibre, cloth,
paper, or
Porous transport
layer (anode)
Porous transport
layer (cathode)
bipolar plates
(anode and
and seals
Catalyst layer
• Gold or
porous transport
layer (anode)
• Porous transport
layer (cathode)
• Platinum-coated,
bipolar plate (anode)
• Gold coated, bipolar
plate (cathode)
• Porous
• Bipolar
and seals
Solid oxide
• Cathode (as
nickel oxide
with YSZ)
• Interconnector
(as coating
and cathode
contact layer)
(anode) a
Catalyst layer
(cathode) a
Porous transport
layer (anode)
Porous transport
layer (anode) a
Bipolar plate
• Porous
• Bipolar
and seals
Note: Despite commonalities in use and composition, material specifications will vary between electrolyser types, attracting additional processing.
a AEM electrolysers can use these materials, but also less expensive alternatives.
3.3 Skills and workforce
What it is: Skills and workforce considers the availability
of personnel with the required training and expertise
to perform key tasks across each segment of the HEM
value chain.
Why it is important: A workforce with the required skills,
training and expertise optimises production capacity,
serves as an attraction factor for overseas manufacturers,
and increases the potential for subsequent innovations at
the product or process level. Conversely, skill shortages
could increase costs and hinder growth.
Key areas: Producing an electrolyser system involves roles
across the entire product cycle – product development
and continuous improvement, component manufacturing,
cell fabrication and stack assembly, system assembly, and
operations support. It is worth noting that knowledge,
training and skills on the safety of hydrogen production and
handling are relevant to all roles mentioned, particularly
given the downstream implications of electrolyser design,
manufacturing and servicing.
What is involved?
Australia’s alignment with requirements
Component manufacturing involves skills across smelting,
casting, powder metallurgy, carbon material production, metal
stamping, and deposition techniques, with specific process
expertise varying by component.
Producing individual components such as membranes, porous
transport layers or bipolar plates in Australia will require
relevant experience and preparation, but not necessarily an
electrolyser‑specific background.
For example, in addition to producing an adequately shaped and
stamped metal sheet, the porous transport layers and bipolar
plates used in some electrolyser types require a specialised metal
coating. This involves deposition and plating processes that could
be transferred from the existing metallurgy industry.
Cell fabrication and stack assembly at industrial scale involve
skills and experience across manufacturing process engineering,
use of specialised manufacturing equipment, automation (design
and implementation), robotics, and data capture and analytics.
Operationally, cell fabrication and stack assembly involve two
types of roles: personnel for setting up and maintaining the
manufacturing equipment (manufacturing engineers) and
technicians that use the equipment.
For advanced or emerging processes where the equipment itself
is novel, a new technician segment not defined by the traditional
categories of electrician or mechanical fitter may also be required.
Moreover, at smaller scales and lower levels of automation,
personnel in the use and maintenance categories may
require more preparation or training in advanced
manufacturing processes.
Australia used to have a pool of experience and skills linked to the
automotive sector. When it disappeared, part of this workforce
migrated to other countries that had advanced or high-value
manufacturing opportunities.
It is now challenging to find local expertise on the establishment
and operation of the highly efficient, automated assembly
lines required for production at large scale. To address this,
local manufacturers turn to overseas engineering procurement
companies (EPCs). However, this can introduce challenges in terms
of costs, delivery timelines and alignment of specifications.
Local companies also recruit internationally where needed, in
a process that is challenging and costly (in terms of wages that
prompt key personnel to relocate).
Electrolyser assembly involves connecting stacks to balance
of plant components, which is harder to automate.
The final assembly step involves skills across mechanical and
electrical fitting, plumbing, welding, industrial gas handling,
and design of control systems. The close operational link of
balance of plant equipment with hydrogen storage and handling
(out of scope for this report), also requires technical expertise
on pressurised vessels, applicable standards, certifications and
safety considerations.
The areas of expertise required are both readily available
in Australia and could be further strengthened via workforce
training programs.
Operations support involves roles beyond manufacturing,
including supply procurement for components and balance
of plant, logistics, and customer support (across technical,
engineering and maintenance aspects).
While not unique to the country, this workforce segment is
readily available in Australia and is supported by a strong
education system. Importantly, distance and time zone proximity
to customers in the Asia-Pacific region can be advantageous for
Australian companies.
Product development and continuous improvement involves
research and optimisation roles across novel materials, cell
designs, system configurations and manufacturing processes,
generating additional IP and improving product competitiveness.
Australia has a highly skilled R&D workforce with relevant
qualifications, training, and experience in key areas like
electrochemistry, materials science and engineering
(process, chemical, mechanical, electrical and robotic).
Implications for Australia
Making the most of a comparatively small workforce pool with skills and expertise relevant to electrolyser manufacturing
is a key challenge, with three possible pathways to support HEM at scale in Australia.
Local collaboration with suppliers
to other advanced products for skills
and knowledge transfer
Building a cell fabrication
and stack assembly workforce
Providing sector and product-specific
training to leverage opportunities in
areas of high alignment
Adequately supported to derisk their
expansion, local companies that already
produce components for other advanced
products can become suppliers and
development partners to Australian
electrolyser manufacturers, setting
the foundation for a HEM ecosystem.
This could expand their capabilities,
provide new revenue streams, and
facilitate skills transfer into electrolyser
manufacturers. This pathway is shared
across advanced manufacturing for cell
fabrication and stack assembly at scale,
and materials sourcing of intermediate
materials, highlighting the importance
of local collaboration.
The current alignment gap in terms of a cell
fabrication and stack assembly workforce
could be addressed progressively
and strategically.
Attract: To supplement the workforce
present in Australia, a first cohort
of personnel with electrolyser and
automation experience will likely be hired
from overseas, going on to help build
local know-how and practical expertise
over time.
Build: Simultaneously, university and
technical courses on automation,
materials characterisation and advanced
manufacturing processes can prepare
subsequent domestic cohorts.
Connect: Structured working
environments, clear capability mapping
and training support programs within
manufacturers can then play a key role in
facilitating skills transfer and expansion.
A suitable workforce is already available
in Australia for electrolyser assembly,
operations support and product
development. However, local personnel
will still require training to meet
product-, company-, and sector-specific
requirements (e.g., national standards in
electrical equipment or safety in hydrogen
production, storage and handling).
3.4 R&D and innovation
for product performance
What it is: In the context of this report, R&D and innovation
encompasses the domestic capability to generate novel
materials, designs, manufacturing processes and complete
electrolyser systems, as well as the technical expertise to
reliably scale them up.
Why it is important: R&D can improve technical aspects that
drive capital and operational expenditure during electrolyser
deployment and use. Specific improvements have been
operationalised in the US and EU into key performance
indicators, targets to enable the low-cost production of
hydrogen at scale.68 Appendix 5.5 provides a summary of
three targets relevant to the key areas discussed below, as set
by the US Department of Energy, the EU’s Clean Hydrogen
Joint Undertaking Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda
(JU SRIA) and IRENA. It also contains an overview of relevant
R&D priorities across electrolyser types.
Disruptive innovations meeting those targets
have the potential to enable renewable hydrogen
production that is cost-competitive with fossil
fuel‑driven thermochemical pathways. This can advance
renewable hydrogen closer to the 2 USD per kg average
production cost of hydrogen from fossil fuels, down from the
4.5–12 USD per kg range in 2023 (depending on location).69
Australian innovations are also at the core of establishing
and scaling up local electrolyser manufacturers and serve as
enablers of partnerships with overseas stakeholders.
Key areas: Global research and innovation in electrolysers
focusses on three technical challenges.
• Increasing energy efficiency, to maximise production
and indirectly moderate the effect of electricity as a
major cost driver for renewable hydrogen production
• Improving stack lifetime, to better manage the
operational costs associated with degradation and
replacement, and
• Minimising overall system costs, to lower the
deployment barrier posed by high upfront capital costs.
Australia has a high comparative impact in fundamental
research, multiple R&D projects and emerging testing
infrastructure, and companies actively addressing those
three challenges.
68 DoE Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office (n.d.) Water Electrolyzer Targets. U.S. Department of Energy. (accessed 1 August 2024); Clean Hydrogen Partnership (2022) Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda 2021–
2027. Annex to GB decision no. CleanHydrogen-GB-2022-02. (accessed 26 September 2024); Horizon Europe
(2022) HORIZON JU Research and Innovation Actions – Design for advanced and scalable manufacturing of electrolysers. (accessed 1 August 2024).
69 Schelling K (2023) Green Hydrogen to Undercut Gray Sibling by End of Decade. BloombergNEF. (accessed 20 September 2024).
What is involved?
Australia’s alignment with requirements
Fundamental research involves
the study, characterisation
and optimisation of novel
materials, cell designs and
fabrication processes that are
relevant (directly and indirectly)
to electrolyser manufacturing.
Australian research in electrochemistry and materials science is globally competitive, particularly
considering the country's comparatively smaller population.70 See Appendix 5.7 for more details
on the supporting bibliometrics analysis.
As with other research areas, the Australian publication count in electrochemistry and materials
science ranks the country in the top 20 globally. The citation impact of Australian publications, as
measured by multiple comparative indicators, further ranks the country in the top 3 among those
20 countries. These high rankings remained consistent in an analysis of the four electrolyser
types considered in this report.
However, impact in terms of citations from patents is lower, with the country ranking 11
in the more specific bibliometrics analysis. The ratio of documents to citations from patents
is also low compared to countries with a similar output, indicating a gap in the translation,
or acknowledgement, of highly impactful Australian publications in patents.
R&D projects and testing
infrastructure involve research
and testing activities specific
to electrolysers, focussed on
improving key parameters,
advancing technology readiness
levels, or scaling up a locally
developed system.
Australia has a significant number of relevant R&D projects from research institutions and
industry, taking place across most States and Territories. As an indicator, 58 active research
projects related to electrolysis were listed in the HyResearch platform as of September 2024.71
In addition to modelling, materials innovation, and the development of novel designs, some
projects are focussed on establishing testing facilities to characterise key operational parameters
and validate new technology, materials, or processes at different scales. Access to facilities with
sufficient testing capacity is key to scale up products developed locally. Table 8 below provides
an overview of these projects.
Companies addressing key R&D
challenges means having local,
commercial development of
products with distinct innovations
and clear operational improvements
over current generation
electrolysers, particularly in terms
of energy efficiency, stack durability
and overall cost.
Multiple prospective manufacturers perform their development activities in Australia, having
been established around IP from the local research ecosystem. Collectively, their activities
encompass all electrolyser types, different production scales and development stages.
Moreover, some of their innovations specifically address key challenges for a more cost-effective
production of renewable hydrogen (Case study 4).
Table 8. Emerging Australian facilities for electrolyser testing at different scales.
“Australia’s fuel cells and
electrolysers prototyping
and testing facility”
Collaborative infrastructure project between 9 Australian universities announced in 2024.
The project aims to establish a multidisciplinary setting for prototyping, validating, and
benchmarking fuel cells and electrolysers developed in Australia, to facilitate their translation.72
H2xport Pilot Plant
Facility at the Queensland University of Technology that integrates renewable energy generation
(at the 50 kW scale) with hydrogen production via PEM and AEM electrolysers, using local water
sources (rain and seawater).73
Kwinana Energy
Transformation Hub (KETH)
Future Energy Exports CRC project with a planned 2 MW PEM electrolyser for hydrogen
production and ancillary facilities for testing, certification, and training.74
Future Energy and Training
Precinct being developed at Stanwell’s Central Queensland Power Station to enable research,
testing, demonstration, and training across multiple renewable energy technologies, including a
5 MW capillary-fed alkaline electrolyser developed by Hysata.75
70 The bibliometric analysis by location was conducted using Clarivate’s InCites platform. It was based on the InCites dataset, covered all available years (1980
– July 31, 2024), and used ‘Electrochemistry’, and a combination of ‘Materials Science, Composites’, ‘Materials Science, Coatings & Films’, ‘Materials Science,
Ceramics’, ‘Materials Science, Characterization & Testing’, and ‘Materials Science, Multidisciplinary’ as research areas in the Web of Science schema.
71 Results filtered for “electrolysis” and active status. CSIRO (2024) HyResearch: Australian Hydrogen R&D Portal. Projects. (accessed 11 September 2024).
72 Australian Research Council (2024) LE240100084 — The University of Sydney. Grant.
(accessed 11 September 2024).
73 Love J, Boulaire F, Mohammadshahi S, Gorji S, Gane M, Mackinnon I (2023) Design, construction and commissioning of a hybrid renewable hydrogen test
facility: QUT's H2xport Pilot Plant (February 10, 2023). Proceedings of the Australian Hydrogen Research Conference 2023 (AHRC 2023) 8-10 February 2023.
(accessed 11 September 2024).
74 Luth Eolas (n.d.) Kwinana Energy Transformation Hub. (accessed 23 September 2024); HyResearch (2023) Kwinana Energy
Transformation Hub. (accessed 23 September 2024).
75 Stanwell (2024) Future Energy Innovation & Training Hub (FEITH). Projects in development – FEITH. (accessed 11 September 2024); CSIRO (2023) Hysata Capillary-fed Electrolyser Commercial-Scale Demonstration Project. HyResearch
– Projects – Research & Development.
(accessed 11 September 2024).
Implications for Australia
Scaling up is a key challenge for Australian R&D and innovation related to HEM. This is related to two aspects, which also
represent possible pathways:
Expanding the coverage and overall capacity
of testing infrastructure
Facilitating a centralisation model
for Australian manufacturers
Prospective Australian testing facilities separately cover the
tens of kW and single-digit MW scale, but there is no dedicated
capability for the middle range of hundreds of kW. Adequate
coverage across different ranges and sufficient capacity across
facilities is necessary for Australian electrolysers to scale up and
to enable a faster innovation cycle.
The absence of accessible facilities in the higher ranges
(hundreds of kWs and above) and of sufficient testing capacity
means Australian manufacturers bear the cost of construction
and equipment acquisition, often in partnership with large
prospective users. Moreover, it can hamper or delay the uptake
of Australian electrolysers by large hydrogen producers,
who seek solutions already tested at scales close to those
expected in their projects.
As the technology readiness of locally developed electrolysers
progresses and approaches commercialisation, Australian
manufacturers will have to commit to a strategy for scaling up
production in Australia or overseas.
Electrolyser manufacturers often rely on a model where the core
technical steps of component manufacturing, cell fabrication
and stack assembly are performed in a centralised location or a
reduced set of locations. Partially this stems from the advantages
of maintaining close control over high value elements, more
advanced processes, skills and IP, potentially in proximity to
where R&D is performed. Additionally, achieving manufacturing
excellence at one facility requires time, resources and alignment,
so it may not be immediately desirable or advantageous to
replicate the process at scale elsewhere.
Support for Australian locations where cell fabrication and
stack assembly can be performed and scaled-up cost-effectively
is therefore important to enable a centralisation model that
maintains the core technical steps of electrolyser manufacturing
in the country.
CASE STUDY 4: Three Australian innovations with potential to improve energy efficiency,
stack durability and system cost
Hysata’s electrolyser design eliminates two of the main sources of electrical resistance in
traditional alkaline electrolysers: the distance between electrodes and the generation of bubbles.
The company accomplishes this via a zero-gap design with a capillary separator that delivers the
liquid electrolyte.76
Reduced resistance can result in higher energy efficiency, to the potential benefit of operating
costs, while the alkaline nature of the electrolyser enables less expensive materials, which can
reduce stack costs.
Hadean’s electrolyser uses a tubular design instead of the planar structure found in conventional
solid oxide electrolysers.77 This structure may cope better with the expansion-contraction
experienced over large temperature changes, which is associated with lower durability.
The use of less expensive materials and the higher efficiency of solid oxide electrolysis in the
presence of heat can result in benefits to stack and operational costs.
CRT’s AEM electrolyser targets a simpler manufacturing process, fast ramping dynamics, and
increased durability. The company builds towards these improvements through a combination
of novel coating technologies, intrinsic AEM characteristics, and lower operating temperatures.78
The reduced balance of plant components and less expensive materials compared to PEM
electrolysers can reduce system costs, while the fast responsiveness and durability may assist
with operating costs.
76 Webster A (2023) Hysata to build next-generation hydrogen electrolyser. ARENAWIRE – Hydrogen energy. (accessed 11 September 2024).
77 CSIRO (2024) Tubular Solid Oxide Electrolysis. HyResearch – Resources – Australian research and innovation case studies. (accessed 11 September 2024).
78 Harrison S (2023) Interview: Ensuring AEM will be a significant slice of the electrolyser pie. Gasworld, November 24. (accessed 11 September 2024).
3.5 Unit cost reductions
in manufacturing
What it is: Reductions in the production cost of
electrolysers per unit, via improvements to the materials,
designs and manufacturing processes used.
Why it is important: Cost reductions can influence the price
of Australian electrolysers, which is an important decision
factor for renewable hydrogen producers alongside system
quality and reliability of support from a manufacturer.
Key areas: The major cost drivers for electrolyser
manufacturing can be grouped into three categories
– the product, the manufacturing process, and
location‑specific factors. Electrolyser manufacturers
actively look to optimise these categories through
continuous R&D, process upgrades and careful selection
of a manufacturing location.
What is involved?
Australia’s alignment with requirements
Cost reductions associated with the electrolyser itself
involve the materials used, durability of the stack, energy
efficiency at the stack and system levels, and the design and
equipment requirements of the balance of plant. The economic
implications of these factors are described in section 2.3.
Electrolyser systems from Australian manufacturers actively seek
to improve characteristics like energy efficiency, durability, and
materials cost, and are supported by specific innovations in those
areas that could translate into lower cost at the manufacturing
and operational levels.
Cost reductions associated with the manufacturing process
involve improvements to the techniques used, the level of
automation and the scale of production.
Some Australian electrolyser manufacturers are implementing
automation solutions or developing simpler production
processes, which can help reduce costs at the manufacturing
level. However, the early state of HEM in Australia means process
scalability and sustainability over time remain to be tested.
Cost reductions associated with location-specific factors
involve electricity prices, labour rates, logistics, standards
and regulations, and project approval pathways.
LOW (Electricity prices)
With significant potential for electricity production from
renewable sources, more efforts will be needed ensure
cost‑competitive prices and minimal intermittency of supply.
MEDIUM (Labour rates)
Australian labour rates are higher than other manufacturing
countries in the Asia-Pacific region, but there is potential
to diminish the impact via product and manufacturing
Separately, productivity indicators place Australia close to the
middle among the 38 OECD countries, above the average for
the group.
MEDIUM (Logistics)
A significant pipeline of renewable hydrogen projects can make
domestic electrolyser manufacturing beneficial from a logistics
perspective, but adequate identification, communication and
integration with component and balance of plant manufacturers
will be needed to maximise cost reductions.
Implications for Australia
Cost reductions are critical to increase the competitiveness of Australia’s HEM ecosystem, its attractiveness to electrolyser
manufacturers considering facilities in Asia-Pacific, and the likelihood of a lower levelised cost of hydrogen for projects
using locally developed electrolysers. Each major cost driver category has a possible pathway to support progress locally.
While cost reductions related to product and process are specific to electrolysers, those linked to location-specific factors
may require broader actions that influence other advanced manufacturing opportunities.
Demonstrating Australian
systems at scale and
communicating their
cost reductions
Supporting manufacturing
innovations and demonstrations
of cost-competitiveness in the
Australian context
Identifying, improving and promoting
cost‑competitive locations
Electrolyser systems developed by
emerging Australian manufacturers
already focus on cell design and
material improvements that could
result in cost reductions (see Case
study 4). Local companies are
also engaged in demonstration
projects to test their systems at
scale in relevant environments,
with collaboration from industry
partners (refer to section 1.3,
Table 3 for an overview of these
projects). Besides technical testing,
demonstrations could inform
techno-economic assessments
of novel Australian systems, to
determine and communicate their
associated cost reductions.
Local innovations on how
electrolysers are built at scale will
be particularly important to ensure
Australian manufacturers are
competitive. Like the electrolysers
themselves, novel manufacturing
processes could also benefit from
dedicated research, development,
demonstration and assessment
in the Australian context.
Collaborations with local and
international manufacturers
of other advanced products,
particularly renewable energy
technologies, could further support
these activities and increase their
cost-effectiveness (see section 3.1
– Implications for Australia).
Labour cost, electricity prices, and availability of local supply
chains are significant cost drivers, but their importance and
interaction vary depending on the jurisdiction.
Identifying, improving and promoting the Australian
locations that can best leverage local strengths while
offsetting unavoidable costs could support greater
Australian competitiveness in HEM.
Electricity prices
The price of electricity is a significant cost driver for
manufacturing in general, with electrolyser manufacturing
in particular demanding a significant amount of electricity
during component manufacturing and testing steps.
Properly leveraging Australia's potential for renewable
energy generation will be key both to enable cost
reductions and for scaling up. This is due to its direct effect
on electricity prices and the possibility to attract other
renewable energy technology manufacturers onshore.
However, the intermittency of renewable energy sources
will require adequate firming capacity of the local grid
via energy storage solutions, to help offset the cost and
volatility of the electricity supply, particularly during
peak periods.
Labour rates
Australian labour rates are higher than most
manufacturing countries in Asia, but comparable to those
found in central and northern Europe, Canada, and the
US.79 Similarly, Australian productivity is above OECD
average and comparable to the UK, Canada, and countries
in southern Europe.80
Reliable product offerings with clear technical advantages,
adequate automation, and sufficient production scale
can help minimise the impact of labour rates in the
overall cost of manufacturing and contribute to increased
productivity in Australia.
If Australia decides to pursue an opportunity in the system
assembly part of the value chain, supply chain logistics
will be important for cost reductions.
A well-integrated manufacturing ecosystem will be
necessary to avoid importing a large portion of the
balance of plant equipment. Significant reliance on
importing for components could also reduce Australian
competitiveness in previous steps of the value chain,
like cell fabrication and stack assembly.
Shipping and transportation logistics grow in importance
as project sizes increase, given the aggregated weight of the
equipment to be transported. This, in addition to shorter
delivery times, helps explain why local manufacturing
becomes attractive when a certain demand can be reached.
79 Based on hourly labour costs in USD reported by the International Labour Organization (ILO). Only 56 countries are shown, and data varies by country
depending on the latest year available. For Australia, this corresponds to 2011. ILO (2024) Statistics on labour costs (11 January 2024 update). ILOSTAT.
(accessed 10 September 2024).
80 Based on labour productivity in 2022 measured by gross domestic product (GDP) per hour worked and gross national income (GNI) per hour worked,
considering current prices and purchasing power parities. OECD (2024) OECD Compendium of Productivity Indicators 2024. OECD Publishing, Paris. 28–32.
(accessed 14 October 2024).
3.6 Regulatory and
environmental considerations
What it is: Requirements from the local regulatory landscape
to 1) guarantee a safe deployment and reliable operation of
electrolysers in Australian contexts and 2) mitigate potential
environmental risks associated with HEM.
Why it is important: Differences in standards, unique
environmental conditions and frameworks to manage
materials of concern can affect how electrolyser
manufacturing is performed or alter the product itself, which
is relevant to both Australian and overseas manufacturers.
Key areas: This area includes the technical requirements for
electrolyser deployment in Australian jurisdictions and the
mechanisms governing the use of materials of concern.
What is involved?
Australia’s alignment with requirements
Technical requirements involve
specifications that an electrolyser
system must meet to be used
in each Australian State or
Territory: from weatherproofing
to withstand severe climate
conditions to modifications
across electric systems and
hydrogen storage vessels for
compliance with local standards.
Australia faces unique environmental and electrical grid conditions, which directly impact the
technical requirements for electrolysers that will be deployed locally. For instance, fluctuations
in use linked to the cost of renewables in the Australian energy grid will require high energy
efficiencies and responsive balance of plant equipment.
In terms of compliance standards, differences with large electrolyser markets (e.g., US and EU)
and between Australian States and Territories can result in products from overseas manufacturers
requiring a degree of local customisation. This can lengthen delivery timelines, increase overall
project costs and raise the likelihood of specification misalignments between customer needs
and manufacturer actions.81
Environmental considerations
involve the regulations and
monitoring systems in place to
oversee materials of concern
and minimise risks associated
with them, including their
potential environmental release.
Environmental considerations vary according to the electrolyser type and the materials used in
its fabrication.
For instance, the fluoropolymers used to produce proton exchange membranes are per- and
polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), which are subject to environmental regulations in multiple
jurisdictions, including Australia.82 As a result, pathways for the safe disposal and recycling of
membranes at end-of-life (EOL) will be particularly relevant.
Identifying and implementing replacement compounds is an area of R&D interest for PEM electrolyser
manufacturers, particularly as potential broad PFAS bans (like one recently proposed in the EU) could
cover the fluoropolymer membranes used, affecting manufacturing operations.83
Similarly, the fabrication of AEM and alkaline systems involves nickel electroplating, which attracts
its own Australian regulations, safety measures, and compliance costs to prevent the release of
nickel compounds into the environment.84
Implications for Australia
Electrolysers to be deployed in Australia require adaptations to meet local standards and operate reliably under unique
climate and environmental conditions. Customisation at scale has economic implications for manufacturers, with two possible
pathways to both minimise associated costs and turn what is currently a challenge into a driver for Australian facilities.
Leveraging unique product requirements alongside
the domestic project pipeline to incentivise local
manufacturing facilities
Aligning interpretation of relevant standards across
States and Territories to minimise costs associated
with misalignment
Electrolysers from established manufacturers are often designed
and built for the environment of other countries, without
accounting for electric grid differences or the temperature, humidity
and cyclone protection needed for reliable operation in Australian
climates. This can translate into additional time and money spent
on local modifications once equipment arrives onshore.
While unique conditions pose a challenge to address, they are
also a reality that benefits from local knowledge and expertise.
Alongside the large domestic pipeline, this could be leveraged to
incentivise the establishment of manufacturing facilities in Australia,
along with a domestic operation, maintenance, and repairs sector.
Some differences in standards compared to other countries is
expected based on fundamental differences. However, harmonisation
and communication of interpretations at a national level can minimise
the barrier that different standards can pose to hydrogen production
projects, international companies looking to supply the Australian
market, and domestic electrolyser manufacturers.
Importantly, while customisation may be manageable
at lower production volumes, its impact grows at scale.
Smaller manufacturers and recent market entrants may be
particularly affected, given the cost and time implications of
delayed delivery times.
81 Wheatley G, Thompson N, Purkess C (2023) Electrolyser Manufacturing Business Case. ITM Power Pty and Linde Engineering Pty. 20. (accessed 27 August 2024); BOC Limited (2022)
Renewable Hydrogen Production and Refuelling Project (ARENA Project 2018(ARP178): Lessons Learnt Report. (accessed 27 August 2024).
82 Australian Industrial Chemicals Introduction Scheme (n.d.) Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS). Australian Government Department of Health and
Aged Care. (accessed 10 September 2024).
83 ECHA (2024) Next steps for PFAS restriction proposal. European Chemicals Agency.
(accessed 26 September 2024).
84 National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme (2020) Water soluble nickel(2+) salts: Environment tier II assessment. Australian
Government Department of Health. 13–14, 22–23. (accessed 10 September 2024).
3.7 Supply chain alignment
What it is: Alignment of a location to the upstream and
downstream factors that guide the placement and specific
activities of a new electrolyser manufacturing facility.
Why it is important: Identifying and improving locations
with a high alignment facilitates the attraction of overseas
manufacturers and the scale up of local companies in a
cost-competitive environment.
Key areas: Supply chain alignment encompasses three
areas. Demand in the prospective region to justify a large
upfront investment in a new facility; local supply of key
components; and conditions that enable a cost-effective
operation, from suitable industrial land to workforce
and logistics.
What is involved?
Australia’s alignment with requirements
The level of demand refers to the electrolyser capacity that a
region collectively requires on an annual basis, stemming from
projects that have reached final investment decision and have
clear deployment timelines.
Australia has a significant pipeline of renewable hydrogen projects
that could demand electrolysers in the future, but most are still in
development and have not reached FID.
Component availability refers to a region’s capacity to supply
the items (components and equipment) needed to manufacture
an electrolyser, from individual cells to balance of plant.
For instance, a plant focussed on cell fabrication and stack
assembly will benefit from nearby providers or reliable supply
chains for membrane materials, porous transport layers, and
bipolar plates.
Meanwhile, a plant performing system assembly will require local
companies capable of producing or delivering power supply units,
connection components, and liquid-gas handling equipment.
There is an Australian manufacturing base in other industry areas
with relevant skills, experience and products. However, their
expansion into a local HEM supply chain will require strong
communication, integration, and support mechanisms.
Industry-ready locations refer to the presence of factors
conducive to a cost-competitive manufacturing operation,
from a suitably qualified workforce and logistics infrastructure
to utility connections with adequate capacity.
Australian locations with a suitable workforce for each stage of
the HEM value chain, availability of industrial land, potential for
low renewable electricity prices with reliable supply, and efficient
logistics will have to be optimised for industry-readiness and
actively promoted to attract electrolyser manufacturers.
Implications for Australia
Consulted stakeholders have noted that what worked in countries like Spain and China to attract electrolyser manufacturers
is a combination of multi-year anchored offtake agreements (3 to 4 years in duration, for a large total capacity of 2 GW),
local partners to supply components, support from local governments, a physical location close to relevant industries, and
sufficient renewable energy to stimulate demand for electrolysers (see Case study 5). Australia has a foundation to build a
similar case to attract local manufacturing facilities, supported by three pathways.
Supporting a steady progress
of the local project pipeline into
final investment decisions
Identifying, communicating
and integrating local component
Identifying, improving
and promoting
industry-ready locations
There needs to be a sufficiently large
aggregated demand to sustain electrolyser
manufacturing at scale, which consulted
stakeholders have estimated to be 500 MW
per year or more for a single manufacturer.
As a result, steady progress towards final
investment decisions will be needed to
aggregate yearly demand to a level that can
sustain a domestic HEM ecosystem.
This may overlap with broader strategic
efforts to unlock demand by supporting
hydrogen uptake and advancing
additional uses.
Even with a manufacturing facility in
place in Australia, operation at scale
may not make sense if all components
have to be imported. The electrolyser
manufacturing business case developed
by ITM Power (UK) and Linde Engineering
for the WA government highlighted
the potential and value of having local
suppliers that can provide key components
more cost‑effectively than imported
alternatives.85 Clear support mechanisms
for prospective local suppliers may
therefore be needed to de-risk their
expansion, such that they can support the
establishment of a facility by an overseas
electrolyser manufacturer.
A strong and accessible ancillary
manufacturing ecosystem will also be
necessary for domestic companies to scale
up over time. This is because production
itself can be highly modularised and
replicated to increase capacity, but
suppliers are outside of a manufacturer’s
direct control and will also need to increase
their outputs to meet demand.
Moreover, strong communication, clear
visibility over supplier activities, and
forecasting will all be important to ensure
a continuous and sustainable operation.
Ideally, manufacturing facilities should
be in places sitting at the intersection of
a qualified construction, maintenance
and operations workforce, proximity to
manufacturing ecosystems and hydrogen
hubs, low renewable electricity prices
compared to other countries, and easy
accessibility to facilitate transport of
materials and products.
Clearly identifying these locations in
Australia, ensuring their industry-readiness,
and promoting them will be necessary,
both to attract established international
manufacturers and to support emerging
Australian companies that may scale up in
the country.
85 Wheatley G, Thompson N, Purkess C (2023) Electrolyser Manufacturing Business Case. ITM Power Pty and Linde Engineering Pty. 28–29. (accessed 27 August 2024)
CASE STUDY 5: Leveraging an aligned location and government support to incentivise new electrolyser
manufacturing facilities
Cummins (United States), one of the largest electrolyser
manufacturers in the world by nominal capacity,
announced in 2021 that it had selected Castilla-La
Mancha (Spain) as the location for a new PEM electrolyser
assembly and testing facility. The plant, which started
operating in 2024, has a 500 MW per year capacity
(scalable to 1 GW per year) and took 14 months to build,
with a reported investment of EUR 75 million.86
The original announcement followed a partnership
between Cummins and Iberdrola (an international energy
company headquartered in Spain) for renewable hydrogen
projects in the Iberian peninsula.87 The selection is also
framed by a context of alignment across suitable location,
aggregated demand, and government support.
For instance, approximately 50% of electricity generation
in Spain comes from renewable sources and the country
could reportedly reach 5 GW of installed electrolyser
capacity in 2030, with its government’s strategy setting
an even higher target of 12 GW.88 Spain also has a diverse
manufacturing sector with significant automotive, metal
products, chemicals and machinery segments,89 and its
national government has established a EUR 750 million
incentive program to support local manufacturing of
renewable energy technologies, including electrolysers.90
Importantly, financial support as a mechanism to
scale‑up, retain and attract electrolyser manufacturers
is not exclusive to Spain. It has been recently deployed
across other European countries and the US via loan
agreements, tax credits, and grants. These support
measures are aimed at enabling research initiatives on
design and manufacturing aspects (e.g., catalysts used,
coating processes, optimised balance of plant), testing
and demonstration projects at larger scales, and the
establishment or improvement of manufacturing facilities.
Table 9 provides a sample of relevant incentives provided
to electrolyser manufacturers in Europe and the US.
86 Cummins (2021) Cummins selects Spain for its gigawatt electrolyzer plant & partners with Iberdrola to lead the green hydrogen value chain. Cummins
Newsroom – Our Innovation, Technology and Services. (accessed 26 September 2024); Blanco Orozco J (2024) Ya se fabrican en Guadalajara electrolizadores para producir
Hidrógeno Verde. SER Guadalajara, 1 July. (accessed 26 September 2024).
87 Cummins (2021) Cummins selects Spain for its gigawatt electrolyzer plant & partners with Iberdrola to lead the green hydrogen value chain. Cummins
Newsroom – Our Innovation, Technology and Services. (accessed 26 September 2024).
88 Ritchie H, Roser M, Rosado P (2024) Renewable Energy. Our World in Data. (accessed 26 September 2024);
Le MK, Selvaraju K (2024) Spain sets sights on dominating regional hydrogen market, on track to hit 2030 national target. Rystad Energy. (accessed 26 September 2024); Lombardi P (2024) Spain increases green hydrogen
goal. Reuters, 24 September.
(accessed 26 September 2024).
89 Montoriol Garriga J, Díaz S (2021) An overview of Spain’s manufacturing industry. CaixaBank Research – Sectoral analysis – Industry. (accessed 26 September 2024).
90 Sánchez Molina P (2024) Spain announces €750 million incentive scheme for clean-tech manufacturing. pv magazine, 27 February. (accessed 26 September 2024).
Table 9. Illustrative sample of support measures for electrolyser manufacturers across Europe and the United States, announced in the last 5 years
HQ location
Incentive type
Bloom Energy
United States
Investment tax
US Department of Energy (Office of
Manufacturing & Energy Supply Chains – MESC)
USD 75
Electric Hydrogen
United States
US Department of Energy (Hydrogen and Fuel
Cell Technologies Office – HFTO)
USD 46.3
Electric Hydrogen
United States
Investment tax
US Department of Energy (MESC)
USD 18.3
Government of France
EUR 86
Green Hydrogen
European Climate, Infrastructure and
Environment Executive Agency (CINEA)
Hydrogen Pro
Export and Investment Fund of Denmark (EIFO)
DKK 35
ITM Power
German Federal Ministry of Education
and Research (BMBF)
EUR 1.95
ITM Power
UK Department for Business, Energy
and Industrial Strategy (BEIS)
GBP 9.3
John Cockerill
Investment tax
US Department of Energy (MESC)
USD 34
Government of France
EUR 114
Alkaline, PEM
US Department of Energy (MESC)
USD 41
Alkaline, PEM
US Department of Energy (HFTO)
USD 50
Alkaline, PEM
State of Michigan (US)
USD 75
Alkaline, SOE
Loan agreement
European Investment bank
EUR 100
Alkaline, SOE
Previously approved, undrawn grant funding
EUR 200
thyssenkrupp nucera
US Department of Energy (HFTO)
USD 50
EU Innovation Fund
EUR 94
Investment tax
US Department of Energy (MESC)
USD 135.9
Loan agreement
European Investment bank
EUR 45
United States
US Department of Energy (HFTO)
USD 39.6
Source: All sources for Table 9 were accessed on 14 October 2024.
Bloom Energy: Bloom Energy (2024) Bloom Energy to Receive up to $75
million in Federal Tax Credits for Fremont Manufacturing Plant. Press Release.
Electric Hydrogen: Electric Hydrogen (2024) U.S. Department of Energy
Awards Electric Hydrogen $46.3M Grant for Electrolyzer Manufacturing
under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law’s Clean Electrolysis Program.
Press Release. ; Electric
Hydrogen (2024) Electric Hydrogen receives $18.3M transferable DOE tax
credit for its gigafactory in Massachusetts, bringing total Department of
Energy support to $65M. ;
Elogen: Elogen (2022) Press Release: As part of the Hydrogen IPCEI, the
Elogen project will benefit from the support of the French State to the
amount of 86 million Euros. ;
Green Hydrogen Systems: Green Hydrogen Systems (2021) Green Hydrogen
Systems has been granted EUR 9 million to develop a 6MW test module for
a 100MW solution worth more than EUR 48 million in contract value subject
to later qualification. News Details. ;
HydrogenPro: HydrogenPro (2024) HydrogenPro to receive substantial
grant from the Danish government. ;
ITM: ITM (2022) Grant Award in Germany for SINEWAVE Project. News. ; ITM
(2022) UK Government Award GBP9.3M for Gigatack Testing. News. ;
John Cockerill: John Cockerill (2024) John Cockerill Hydrogen awarded $34
million in tax credit for the Baytown Gigafactory Project. ;
McPhy: McPhy (2022) French government boosts support for the hydrogen
industry: EUR 114 million in public funding for the McPhy Gigafactory
project. Press releases. ;
bpifrance (2024) The French success story fuelled by European subsidies.
Nel ASA: Nel ASA (2024) Nel ASA: Additional USD 41 million in tax credits for
manufacturing expansion in Michigan. Press release. ; Nel ASA (2024) Nel ASA: Received
additional USD 75 million in support for Michigan facility. Press release.
Sunfire: Sunfire (2024) Sunfire Secures More Than EUR 500 Million to
Accelerate its Growth. News. ; thyssenkrupp
nucera: thyssenkrupp nucera (2024) thyssenkrupp nucera Selected for $50
Million Grant from the U.S. Department of Energy. ;
Topsoe: Frøhlke U (2023) Topsoe Warded EUR 94 Million From the EU’s
Innovation Fund to Build SOEC Factory. ; Martinez G (2024) Topsoe Announced Plans for New
State-Of-The-Art US Electrolyzer Factory for Clean Hydrogen. ; EIB (2022) Denmark Haldo
Topsøe signs WUR45 million funding deal with EIB to drive green energy
transition. European Investment Bank. ;
Verdagy: Verdagy (2024) Verdagy Awarded $39.6 Million Grant from the
Department of Energy. .
4 Conclusion
HEM is a unique opportunity for Australia by virtue of the
electrolyser market’s nascency at large scale, strong starting
position with an emerging cohort of Australian electrolyser
manufacturers, and domestic renewable hydrogen
pipeline. It seeks to align with Australia’s hydrogen and
manufacturing agendas, presents a significant economic
opportunity, and provides a case to develop the domestic
manufacturing ecosystem and raw materials processing
base, with spillover benefits to other clean energy
technology manufacturing opportunities.
This report profiles Australia’s emerging electrolyser
manufacturing industry, estimates the economic potential
that could be created, and explores the pathways Australia
can take to capture the opportunity. It serves to stimulate
the domestic HEM ecosystem by considering existing
actors, providing an overview to potential new entrants on
the roles they could play, and informing broader strategic
decisions and investments.
The window of opportunity in which Australia is
well‑positioned to play a significant role is finite. To seize
the opportunity while it is still accessible, the following
should be considered:
• Aggregated manufacturing demands: What is
the aggregated demand across renewable energy
technologies and how can it inform effective
manufacturing initiatives and potentially unlock onshore
raw materials processing opportunities?
• Stakeholder visibility: Who are all the actors across the
electrolyser value chain in Australia, what role do they
currently play, what capabilities do they have, and how
are they transferrable?
• Cost effective locations: What are the Australian
locations that can best leverage local strengths such as
renewable electricity prices and firming, while offsetting
unavoidable costs such as labour rates and logistics?
How can hydrogen hubs and manufacturing ecosystems
be developed around these locations?
• Developing sovereign manufacturing capabilities
whilst investigating international partnerships:
How can Australia leverage HEM to develop long term
sovereign manufacturing capability, whilst potentially
improving shorter term cost competitiveness by
exercising international partnerships? How do the high
value opportunities remain onshore?
This work was developed in consultation with domestic
and international stakeholders, including the research
community, investment entities, Australia’s emerging
electrolyser innovators, multi-national manufacturers,
facility designers, technology specialists, hydrogen
producers and consumers, government agencies and
industry bodies. On-going collaboration in Australia and
internationally will be key to overcome scale-up challenges
and realise the unique opportunities that HEM presents
for Australia.
5 Appendices
5.1 Consulted organisations
• Accelera (Cummins)
• Arup
• Australian Hydrogen Council
• BP
• Cavendish Renewable Technology
• Central Queensland University
• Columbia Australia
• Enapter
• Endua
• Fortescue
• Hadean Energy
• Horizon Fuel Cells
• Hysata
• International Energy Agency
• IP Group
• Manufacturing Catalyst
• Plug Power
• Powering Australia
• Siemens
5.2 Supporting information
for economic analysis
5.2.1 Economic factors affecting the
potential electrolyser market size
Demand for renewable hydrogen
Renewable hydrogen demand sits at the base of the
electrolyser manufacturing opportunity. As industries and
governments work toward decarbonisation, renewable
hydrogen will play a vital role in reducing greenhouse
gas emissions while meeting energy needs. Electrolyser
manufacturing, in turn, grows in response to this increasing
demand for hydrogen.
Two key factors drive the expansion of renewable
hydrogen demand. The first is the ongoing shift away
from high‑emission hydrogen, traditionally produced
from fossil fuels. Key industries, including oil refining,
industrial production of ammonia, methanol and steel,
and long distance road transportation, are under
increasing pressure to reduce their carbon footprints and
are shifting toward renewable hydrogen as part of their
decarbonisation strategies. Renewable hydrogen can also
play a role in smaller scale hydrogen uses across industrial
gas and chemical feedstock production, glassmaking and
semiconductor manufacturing.
The second factor is the development and uptake
of additional applications for renewable hydrogen.
This includes:
• Replacement of carbon-based reductants and fuels
for industrial processing (e.g., for metal production
and in heat supply to furnaces);
• hydrogen or hydrogen-derived fuels to power rail,
maritime and aviation transportation;
• powering off-grid vehicles for materials handling
and heavy hauling (e.g., mining vehicles);
• energy storage and electricity production; and
• gas blending for heating and domestic provision. 91
The advancement of other decarbonisation technologies
will also influence renewable hydrogen demand.
Certain technologies will provide direct alternatives to
hydrogen use (e.g., batteries and direct electrification),
while others will require hydrogen directly or indirectly
(e.g., fuel cells and ammonia-powered ship engines).
Cost competitiveness
Even with high demand for renewable hydrogen, it needs
to be cost-competitive with fossil fuel-based production to
make electrolyser projects viable at scale.
A major barrier to the adoption of renewable hydrogen
is the capital costs of electrolysers. A significant
reduction in these costs is crucial for making hydrogen
a viable alternative to fossil fuels in various applications.
Potential sources of price reductions include scaling
up production processes and advancing innovations
in electrolyser materials, system efficiency, and
overall durability.
However, it is worth noting that price changes have
multiple effects. A reduction in electrolyser prices can
boost demand, but it also directly reduces the market size
in monetary terms. This is because market size is typically
calculated as the quantity demanded multiplied by its unit
price. As prices drop, even with increased demand, the
total market value can shrink due to the lower revenue
generated per unit sold. This creates a complex relationship
between the cost of electrolysers and market size, as both
the quantity of electrolysers sold and the price at which
they are sold influence the total market valuation.
Market share of Australian electrolysers
Australia could demand up to ~23 GW of electrolysers
annually by 2050, creating a substantial market
opportunity. However, the actual market size potential will
be directly influenced by the level of market share captured
by Australian manufacturers. This will ultimately depend on
the competitiveness of local systems across the technical
factors discussed in section 2.3 – Differentiating factors
between electrolyser types, and the strategic aspects
presented in chapter 3 – The pathways to HEM. However,
mechanisms observed in other countries, like local
content strategies and the continued need for electrolyser
customisation, may influence how local demand is met.
Volume of exports
Exports of electrolyser stacks represent another source
of revenue for Australian manufacturers, potentially
expanding the market opportunity. However, exporting
advanced industrial products poses challenges across
customer relations, trade barriers, and regulatory
compliance, which can limit export volumes.
Export potential also depends on whether Australia
successfully commercialises a unique, IP-protected
electrolyser product.
91 Australian Hydrogen Council (2022) How we get to scale. In Unlocking Australia’s hydrogen opportunity. 33–35. ; IEA (2023) Global hydrogen Review 2023. 20–43, 65–67. International Energy Agency,
Paris. .
5.2.2 Australia market sizing and job
analysis methodology
CSIRO conducted an economic analysis to assess the
commercial opportunity and potential job creation of
HEM in Australia by 2050. This appendix summarises the
results, parameters and methodology used to produce the
estimates presented in this report.
This study employed a bottom-up market sizing approach
to estimate the combined revenue of all market participants
involved in electrolyser deployment, including electrolyser
stack manufacturing, balance of plant (BoP), and
installation services.
This model introduces three scenarios that align with the
2024 National Hydrogen Strategy (NHS) Low, Central, and
High projections for hydrogen production in Australia.
In the Low scenario, the market is expected to grow
without external support. The Central scenario assumes
some support for local procurement, helping Australian
manufacturers gain a stronger presence in the domestic
market. In the High scenario, support extends to
exports, with the additional assumption that Australia
commercialises a unique, IP-protected electrolyser product
that is in demand internationally, and allows it to become a
major player in global markets.
The parameters used for this calculation are summarised
in Table 10, followed by a detailed discussion of
each parameter. These parameters were initially
sourced through comprehensive desktop research,
leveraging existing data and industry reports. We then
validated and refined them through consultations with
various industry experts to ensure their robustness.
Table 10. Summary of parameters, 2050
Australian hydrogen production via electrolysis (Mtpa)
Average yearly operating hours (hours)
Hydrogen Generation Efficiency (kwh/kg)
Stack replacement time (‘000 hours)
Stack replacement cost (% of capital cost)
Lead time (years)
Domestic market capture (% of domestic
electrolyser demand)
Stack and BoP: 36%
Installations: 100%
Stack and BoP: 55%
Installations: 100%
Stack and BoP: 85%
Installations: 100%
Export ratio (domestic-to-export ratio)
Domestic unit revenue (AUD/kw)
Stack and BoP: 230
Installations: 99
Stack and BoP: 230
Installations: 99
Stack and BoP: 160
Installations: 69
Export unit revenue (AUD/kw)
Revenue per employee (AUD)
Stack: 640,915
BoP: 591,482
Stack: 640,915
BoP: 591,482
Stack: 640,915
BoP: 591,482
A) Australian hydrogen production via electrolysis
The projected hydrogen production in Australia aligns
with the three scenarios in the 2024 National Hydrogen
Strategy (NHS). The NHS data for hydrogen production
via electrolysis was available only at five-year intervals
between 2025 and 2050, so linear interpolation was applied
to estimate the values in between. Hydrogen production
for 2022 to 2025 was estimated by assessing the current
and planned projects using the HyResource database
(July 2024 update).92 Production capacities for 2022 and
2023 were discounted by 90% to align with the global
average utilisation rate for electrolysers, while projected
capacities for 2024 and 2025 were discounted by 70% and
50%, respectively, to account for project uncertainties.
This is shown visually in Figure 13.
Figure 13. Australian hydrogen production via electrolysis in
million tonnes per annum (Mtpa)
B) Average yearly operating hours
This parameter refers to the total duration that
an electrolyser system is actively operating and
producing hydrogen. The operating hours of electrolysers
directly affect the total hydrogen produced and influence
the frequency of electrolyser stack replacement, which is
based on cumulative operating hours.
Electrolyser’s average yearly operating hours were
assumed to start at 800093 hours and gradually decline
at the same rate as GenCost94, reaching 500095 hours by
2050 for the low and central scenario and 4800 hours
for the high scenario96. Currently, electrolysers operate
at a high utilisation rate because capital costs are a
larger cost driver than electricity prices for hydrogen
production, making electrolysers viable only for certain
industries where hydrogen costs are not a major cost factor.
As production volumes increase and capital costs decrease,
more applications will become viable, and electricity
prices will become a more significant factor in hydrogen
production costs. Consequently, operators will be more
selective about the hours they choose to operate.
C) Hydrogen generation efficiency
Hydrogen generation efficiency, measured in kWh/kg,
is the electrical energy needed to produce
one kg of hydrogen. Lower values signify greater
electrolyser efficiency in energy conversion. A 1 kW
electrolyser installed capacity can consume 1 kWh of
electrical energy in an hour. As electrolysers age, their
efficiency declines. This parameter reflects the weighted
average efficiency of all active installed electrolysers.
Projects for hydrogen generation efficiency were aligned
to estimates and targets from IRENA97. In the Low scenario,
average efficiency is expected to be in the lower range of
2020 electrolyser system performance. The High scenario
assumes that the 2050 targets are met, while the Central
scenario reflects the average of the Low and High scenarios.
Hydrogen generation efficiencies for the Low, Central, and
High scenarios are 50, 47.5, and 45, respectively. In all three
scenarios, it is assumed that efficiency decreases linearly
from 57.598 in 2022.
92 HyResource (2024) Projects spreadsheet (accessed 12 July 2024).
93 According to IEA, the installed capacity for electrolysers is 687 MW in 2022. IEA’s Global Hydrogen Review 2023 states that Hydrogen generated via electricity
is 0.1% of the 95 Mt hydrogen produced in 2022. Assuming a current efficiency rate of 57.5, electrolysers operated an average of 7950 hours in 2022.
94 Refer to parameter I) Price of hydrogen electrolysers.
95 Analysis by CSIRO considering forecasted hourly electricity prices to determine when it is cost-effective to operate, focusing on times of the day when
electricity prices are lower.
96 Lower operating hours are assumed in the high scenario because reduced capital costs make electricity prices a more significant factor in determining
whether to operate the electrolysers.
97 Table 6. State-of-the-art and future KPIs for all electrolyser technologies. – IRENA Green Hydrogen Cost Reduction (2020)
98 Average efficiency of PEM and Alkaline electrolysers in 2022. Table 5-7: Electrolyser configuration and performance Aurecon 2022 Costs and Technical
Parameter Review
D) Stack replacement time
The efficiency of cell stacks gradually declines over time,
requiring more power to operate each year, even when
they remain functional. Eventually, it becomes more
cost-effective to replace the electrolyser stack rather than
continue consuming additional electricity to maintain the
same hydrogen output.
According to IRENA99, the current replacement timeframe
typically falls within 50,000 to 80,000 cumulative hours
of operation. IRENA’s target for the stack lifetime of PEM
and ALK electrolysers is between 100,000 to 120,000 hours
by 2050. It was assumed that the stack replacement time
would gradually increase to IRENA’s target timeframe for
2050, following the same rate of change as electrolyser
prices100. The first cell stack replacement is assumed to
occur once cumulative operational hours reach the lower
limit of the stack replacement timeframe, with subsequent
replacements continuing at regular intervals until all stacks
are replaced by the upper limit.
E) Stack replacement cost
When replacing the stack, the cost is a fraction of the
initial capital cost outlay because all the other plants and
equipment could still be used. It is assumed the stack
replacement cost is constant over time at 40%101 of the
overall capital cost.
F) Lead time
Lead time calculates the interval needed for electrolysers to
be installed before they commence hydrogen production.
The lead time is assumed as the time difference between
when the main equipment is needed on-site for an
electrolyser project and the COD (commercial operation
date), according to Aurecon102 estimates. Lead time is
assumed to be constant over time and rounded up to the
nearest integer.
G) Domestic market capture
Domestic market capture refers to the share of the domestic
market that Australian electrolyser manufacturers and
service providers could capture. There is a strong case for
domestically manufactured electrolysers, driven by needs
such as local customisation, logistics, commissioning,
and after-sales support. In the Low scenario, with little or
no external market support for local procurements, the
market capture for manufacturers is based on the median
market capture (~36%) of comparable industries using
data from IBIS World. These industries103 were identified
through expert consultations. In the Central scenario, it is
assumed that manufacturers can capture a majority market
share (55%104), bolstered by additional government support
to increase local procurement. In the High scenario, it is
assumed that Australia develops a unique, IP-protected
electrolyser product that is in demand both globally and
domestically, enabling it to dominate (85% market share)
the local market. It is assumed that the industry will achieve
its market capture ratio by 2040 in a linear progression and
will maintain a steady state thereafter.
Revenue from installation services is assumed to be
generated domestically, resulting in a 100% market
capture for installations in all three scenarios.
99 PEM currently has a stack life between 50,000-80,000 hours, while ALK has a stack life of 60,000 hours. Table 6. State-of-the-art and future KPIs for all
electrolyser technologies. – IRENA Green Hydrogen Cost Reduction (2020)
100 CSIRO GenCost 2023–24
101 According to Yates et al. (2020), Techno-economic Analysis of Hydrogen Electrolysis from Off-Grid Stand-Alone Photovoltaics Incorporating
Uncertainty Analysis
102 Table 5–8: Technical parameters and project timeline of the Aurecon 2022 Costs and Technical Parameter Review
103 Industries include: Commercial Refrigerator Manufacturing in Australia; Food Processing Machinery Manufacturing in Australia; Power Automation
Products and Other Electrical Equipment Manufacturing in Australia; Heating, Cooling and Ventilation Equipment Manufacturing in Australia; Mining and
Construction Machinery Manufacturing in Australia; Measurement and Other Scientific Equipment Manufacturing in Australia; Pump and Compressor
Manufacturing in Australia; Medical and Surgical Equipment Manufacturing in Australia; Industrial Machinery Manufacturing in Australia; Automotive
Electrical Component Manufacturing in Australia; Electric Cable and Wire Manufacturing in Australia
104 The Inflation Reduction Act in US mandates that energy projects with more than 55% domestic content will qualify for bonus tax credits. Robert RE,
Debin Collinsworth AE (2023) Domestic Content Requirements of the Inflation Reduction Act: Basic Requirements, Qualification Analysis, and Lingering
Questions. Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP. (accessed 13 September 2024).
115 Government of Western Australia (2021) Western Australian Renewable Hydrogen Strategy. 18. Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation.
116 State of New South Wales (2021) NSW Hydrogen Strategy. 40. Department of Planning, Industry and Environment. .
117 DCCEEW (2024) National Hydrogen Strategy 2024. Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, Canberra. 18–33. (accessed 13 September 2024).
5.3.2 Government programs
National Reconstruction Fund
The NRF is a $15 billion investment fund established by
the Australian Government to facilitate increased flow
of finance into the Australian economy to diversify and
transform Australian industry. The NRF Corporation
(NRFC) is a Specialist Investment Vehicle delivering the
NRF as an independent financier, providing finance
to drive investments in seven Government identified
priority areas of the Australian economy as set out in the
National Reconstruction Fund Corporation (Priority Areas)
Declaration 2023. The NRFC is targeting a funding level over
the medium to long term of up to $3 billion for renewables
and low emission technologies. This priority area includes
opportunities such as manufacturing components of
wind turbines, production of batteries and solar panels,
and hydrogen electrolysers.118
Future Made in Australia
Future Made in Australia is a $22.7 billion package proposed
in 2024 to support industry activity and unlock private
investment in priority sectors within two streams:
Stream One – Net Zero Transformation
Covers production of green metals, low carbon liquid fuels,
and renewable hydrogen. It provides a 10-year Hydrogen
Production Tax Incentive of $2 per kg for renewable
hydrogen production projects reaching final investment
decision by 2030.
Stream Two – Economic Resilience and Security
Covers critical minerals processing and clean energy
manufacturing, committing dedicated support for solar
and battery programs.119
The Future Made in Australia package also includes a
$1.7 billion innovation fund. Administered by ARENA, this
fund is meant to support the development, translation, and
commercialisation of technologies across the two streams.120
Net Zero Manufacturing Initiative
Launched in 2024 by the NSW government, this initiative
includes $275 million in funding to be distributed
across three segments of the overall clean technology
development cycle: Clean Technology Innovation
(up to $25 million), Low Carbon Product Manufacturing
(up to $100 million) and Renewable Manufacturing
(up to $150 million). The latter stream focusses on
components for renewable energy, specifically
including hydrogen electrolysers.121
Hydrogen Headstart
Federal Government support for Australia’s hydrogen
ecosystem is complemented by Hydrogen Headstart,
a $4 billion program to advance commercial-scale
hydrogen production projects and market uptake.
Successful applicants producing hydrogen, ammonia or
methanol with renewable energy receive a production
credit that covers the difference between production
cost and market price. The program’s first round was
announced in 2023, with a final selection expected by
the end of 2024.122
Research and Development Tax Incentive
The Research and Development (R&D) Tax Incentive offers
tax offsets for eligible R&D expenditure over $AUD 20,000
in the aim of stimulating Australian investment in R&D.123
Reducing the cost of R&D could stimulate greater private
investment in core and supporting research activities for
hydrogen electrolyser manufacturing, encouraging larger
companies to pilot electrolysis solutions and Small Medium
Enterprises (SMEs) to enter the market.
118 Minister for Industry and Science (2023) $15bn National Reconstruction Fund open for business. Media Releases. (accessed 12 August 2024); National Reconstruction Fund Corporation
(2023) Renewables and low emission technologies.
(accessed 6 August 2024); Australian Government (2022) National Reconstruction Fund: diversifying and transforming Australia’s industry and economy.
Department of Industry, Science and Resources. (accessed 12 August 2024).
119 Australian Government (2024) Future Made in Australia National Interest Framework: Supporting paper. 15. Australian Treasury, Canberra. ; Australian Government (2024) Hydrogen Production and Critical Minerals Tax Incentives.
Australian Taxation Office. (accessed 6 August 2024); Australian Government (2024) Budget 2024–2025. (accessed 12
August 2024); Bathgate B (2024) New industrial policy: a Future Made in Australia. (accessed 12 August 2024).
120 ARENA (2024) ARENA Corporate Plan 2024–25 to 2027-28. Australian Renewable Energy Agency. 8. (accessed 30 September 2024).
121 NSW Government (2024) Net Zero Manufacturing Initiative. Programs, grants and schemes. (accessed 13 September 2024).
122 Australian Government (2024) Hydrogen Headstart program. Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water. (accessed 6 August 2024); ARENA (2024) Six shortlisted for $ 2 billion Hydrogen Headstart funding.
(accessed 12 August 2024).
123 Department of Industry Science and Resources, (accessed 11 September 2024).
5.4 HEM landscape globally
Today, the main electrolyser manufacturers by nominal capacity mostly reflect the geographic distribution of capacity
across China, the United States and Europe (Table 14).
Table 14. Top hydrogen electrolyser manufacturers by nominal capacity as of mid-2024, with their headquarter country.124
capacity (MW)
Sungrow’s primary focus is on large scale production of photovoltaic
inverters and systems for energy storage. They also have equipment and
digital platform solutions for EV charging, wind energy and hydrogen
production (including both alkaline and PEM systems).125
Guofuhee produces equipment for the entire hydrogen supply chain,
including electrolysers (both alkaline and PEM); liquefaction units,
compressors and tanks for transportation; and vehicular storage and
refuelling systems.126
LONGi specialises in the solar photovoltaic supply chain, including silicon
wafer production and panel manufacturing. The company established
a subsidiary for hydrogen technology in 2021, offering alkaline
electrolyser systems.127
Cummins manufactures equipment and components for power systems,
across multiple energy sources. Its Accelera division focusses on the
zero‑emissions segment, including electrolysers (alkaline and PEM) and
fuel cells, targeting hydrogen applications in heavy haulage for mining
and road, maritime, and rail transportation.128
The John Cockerill Group is active in manufacturing across the energy,
defence, industrial production, and environmental solutions sectors.
The company produces alkaline electrolyser systems and hydrogen
refuelling stations and can deliver fully integrated production facilities.129
Bloom Energy focusses primarily on solid oxide fuel cells compatible with
natural gas, biogas and hydrogen for use in microgrids and maritime
transportation. The company also manufactures solid oxide electrolysers
that leverage its technology and systems.130
Fortescue is a large scale iron ore producer and holds additional
interest in the metals required for renewable energy technologies.
The company is active in electrolyser manufacturing and in the integration
of decarbonisation technologies for heavy hauling, rail and maritime
transportation (including battery, hydrogen, and ammonia systems).131
Ohmium is dedicated to large scale manufacturing of modular PEM
electrolysers, leveraging the supply chain and innovation ecosystem
around its production facility in India.132
Hygreen Energy produces alkaline and PEM electrolyser systems,
conducting stack, balance of plant, and system manufacturing in-house.
The company is also developing AEM electrolyser systems.133
124 Wood Mackenzie Hydrogen Lens (August 2024). Search conducted for hydrogen electrolyser vendors with operational status as of August 2024.
125 Sungrow (2023) About Sungrow. (accessed 12 August 2024).
126 GF Hydrogen Europe GmbH (2023) Complete Solutions Range. (accessed 12 August 2024).
127 LONGi (2024) LONGi Hydrogen. (accessed 12 August 2024); LONGi (2024) About us. (accessed 12 August 2024).
128 Cummins (2023) Accelera marks start of operations for electrolyzer production in Fridley, Minnesota. (accessed 12 August 2024); Accelera (2024) Applications our technologies support. (accessed 12 August 2024).
129 John Cockerill (2024) 200 years of history. (accessed 12 August 2024); John Cockerill (2024)
Products. (accessed 12 August 2024); John Cockerill (2024) Electrolysers. (accessed 12 August 2024).
130 Bloom Energy (2024) How our platform works. (accessed 12 August 2024); Bloom Energy (2024) Applications
– Electrolyzers. (accessed 12 August 2024).
131 Fortescue (n.d.) About Fortescue. (accessed 12 August 2024); Fortescue (n.d.) What we do – Green Energy Tech.
(accessed 12 August 2024); Fortescue (n.d.) What we do - Fortescue Hydrogen Systems.
(accessed 12 August 2024).
132 Ohmium (2024) Our products. (accessed 12 August 2024); Ohmium (2024) Manufacturing - Gigafactory. (accessed 12 August).
133 Hygreen Energy (2024) Hygreen Electrolysis – Our Technology. (accessed 12 August 2024);
Hygreen Energy (2024) About Hygreen – Our Manufacturing. (accessed 12 August 2024).
5.5 Technical targets for electrolyser R&D
Publicly stated targets for each electrolyser type and key R&D area are presented in Table 15 for illustrative purposes.
There are differences in the boundary conditions used by each institution to develop their targets, so direct comparisons
may be inadequate. Please refer to the original sources for additional context, definitions and disclaimers.
Table 15. Technical targets relevant to future electrolyser R&D, as publicly presented by the US Department of Energy, the EU Clean
Hydrogen JU SRIA, and IRENA.
United States Department of Energy technical targets (2031)134
Electrical efficiency at the
system level (kWh/kg H2)
Average stack degradation rate
(%/1000 h)
Uninstalled Capital cost at
system level (USD/kW)
35 (with an additional 7
from heat demand)
EU Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (2021–2027) targets (2030)135
Electrical efficiency at the
system level (kWh/kg H2)
Average stack degradation rate
(%/1000 h)
Installed Capital cost
37 (with an additional 8
from heat demand)
0.5 (under thermo-neutral conditions,
percent loss of production rate at
constant efficiency)
IRENA future KPIs (2050)136
Electrical efficiency at the
system level (kWh/kg H2)
Average stack degradation rate
(%/1000 h)
Capital cost at the system level
< 45
< 200
< 45
< 200
< 40
< 300
< 45
< 200
Meeting these targets will require improvements and innovation across the overall electrolysis system: from individual
components and manufacturing processes to cell stacks and balance of plant. Figure 17 aggregates areas for improvement
from the different electrolyser types into a set of R&D priorities, which can support the technical targets outlined above.
Improving safety and reducing environmental impact is added as another relevant consideration for HEM and for
electrolyser use.
134 DoE Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office (n.d.) Technical Targets for Liquid Alkaline Electrolysis. U.S. Department of Energy. (accessed 1 August 2024); DoE Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office (n.d.) Technical
Targets for Proton Exchange Membrane Electrolysis. U.S. Department of Energy. (accessed 1 August 2024); DoE Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office (n.d.) Technical Targets for High Temperature Electrolysis.
U.S. Department of Energy. (accessed 1 August 2024).
135 Clean Hydrogen Partnership (2022) Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda 2021–2027. Annex to GB decision no. CleanHydrogen-GB-2022-02. 152–155.
(accessed 26 September 2024)
136 IRENA (2020) Green Hydrogen Cost Reduction: Scaling up Electrolysers to Meet the 1.5°C Climate Goal. 65–66. International Renewable Energy Agency, Abu
Dhabi. .
Figure 17. R&D priorities and their relevance to key technical targets.137
Catalyst layers
• Optimising or reducing the use of
expensive metals (e.g., platinum
group elements, rare earth elements)
in catalyst layers.
• Developing novel base-metal alloys
with enhanced catalytic activity,
increased resistance to lower quality
feed water and greater overall
durability under harsh operational
conditions (acidic or alkaline, high
temperature, high pressure, frequent
ramping in electrical current).
• Improving catalyst ink preparation
and coating techniques for greater
uniformity, dispersion, surface area,
and efficiency in the formation of
catalyst layers at scale.
• Developing non-PFAS membranes
with high mechanical strength,
greater durability under operating
conditions (including higher
temperatures), enhanced electrical
conductivity and lower resistance
to ion movement (H+, OH-, or O2-
depending on the case) .
• Optimising membrane materials
and designs to minimise hydrogen
crossover at reduced membrane
thickness, low current densities,
and high pressure.
Porous transport layers
• Developing coated base metal layers
with increased durability, electrical
conductivity, optimised gas-liquid
flow, and minimal resistance at the
interface with the catalyst layer.
• Trialling fabrication approaches that
increase control over PTL structure,
increase the efficient use of coating
materials, and reduce overall
component cost (particularly when
expensive metals are still required).
Cell stack
• Leveraging improvements at the
individual component level to increase
overall cell and stack size, which
reduce overall cost via economies of
scale and reduced system footprint.
• Minimising contamination of key cell
components and products resulting
from degradation of peripheral stack
components (e.g., seals, end plates).
• Developing processes that streamline
or aggregate individual fabrication
and assembly processes to minimise
cost and increase stack quality
(e.g., sintering and hydrogen
reduction in SOE).
Balance of plant
• Assessing the general design and
integration of balance of plant
equipment to increase energy
efficiency at the system level, reduce
footprint, optimise utilisation at
larger scales, and reduce capital costs.
• Improving the performance of key
equipment (e.g., compressors, cooling
units, desalination plants) to increase
their individual operational efficiency.
• In the case of desalination plants
specifically, additional R&D will
be required to facilitate the safe
disposal of brine and avoid its
environmental impacts.
Utilisation of byproducts
and recycling key materials
• Designing systems that leverage
operational byproducts to support
balance of plant processes and
increase their energy efficiency
(e.g., waste heat diverted
to water treatment equipment
to support distillation).
• Developing stack designs that consider
end-of-life disposal and recycling,
to facilitate the downstream recovery
of valuable materials and minimisation
of environmental impacts.
• Advancing recycling processes suitable
to the different electrolyser types.
Where possible, integrating with the
processes used for other renewable
energy technologies, in support of
more efficient and economically viable
recycling operations.
Increase energy efficiency
Reduce capital and
operational costs
Increase stack durability
Improve safety
and reduce
environmental impact
137 IRENA (2020) Green Hydrogen Cost Reduction: Scaling up Electrolysers to Meet the 1.5°C Climate Goal. 32, 57–63. International Renewable Energy Agency,
Abu Dhabi; Horizon Europe (2022) HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2022-01-05 – Scaling up of cells and stacks for large electrolysers. (accessed 15 October 2024).
5.6 Materials, components, and manufacturing processes required for alkaline, PEM, solid oxide
and AEM electrolysers
Figure 18. Materials, components and manufacturing processes for alkaline electrolyser production138
PTFE: polytetrafluoroethylene; PS: polystyrene; EPDM: ethylene propylene diene terpolymer
Raw material processing
Stainless steel
(chromium and nickel alloys)
Multiple carbon forms
(pitch, graphite, carbon fibres,
carbon black)
Specialised polymers
Component manufacturing
Zirconium oxide,
Casting (e.g., tape
casting) / printing
(screen or inkjet)
Porous transport
layers (both sides)
Nickel powder,
foam or mesh
metallurgy /
/ plasma spraying
/ de-alloying
Porous transport
layer (cathode side)
Stainless steel or
carbon pitch and
Smelting and
casting or carbon
Frames and seals
Injection or
Bipolar plate
(both sides)
Nickel, stainless
Stamping and
physical vapour
Cell fabrication
(zero‑gap design)
Catalyst ink
preparation (anode)
catalyst (e.g., nickel-
Mixing (ball,
attrition or
roll milling;
Catalyst ink
preparation (cathode)
(e.g., NiFe(OH)2),
Mixing (ball,
attrition or
roll milling;
Catalyst ink and
porous transport
painting, printing,
hydrothermal, roll-
to-roll, or decal
transfer methods
Porous transport
layer, diaphragm
Hot or cold
Cell stack assembly
Cell assembly
Cell, bipolar
plates, gaskets
Assembly, screen
moulding, curing
Quality control
Cell stack
and testing
Electrolyser assembly
Final assembly
Cell stack, balance
of plant
cell stack with
balance of plant
138 James B, Huya-Kouadio J, Acevedo Y, McNamara K (2021) Liquid Alkaline Electrolysis Techno-Economic Review. Strategic Analysis.
(accessed 4 August 2024); Ruth M, Mayyas A, Mann M (2017) Manufacturing Competitiveness Analysis for PEM and Alkaline Water Electrolysis Systems. National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Fuel Cell Seminar and Energy Expo.
(accessed 4 August 2024).
Figure 19. Materials, components and manufacturing processes for PEM electrolyser production139
MEA: Membrane electrode assembly; PFSA: perfluorosulfonic acid, SPEEK: sulfonated poly(ether ether ketone); PSS: polystyrene sulfonate; PPS: polyphenylene sulfide
Raw material processing
Stainless steel
(chromium and nickel alloys)
Multiple carbon forms
(pitch, graphite, carbon fibres,
carbon black)
Specialised polymers
Glass fibre
Component manufacturing
Casting (e.g., tape
casting) / printing
(screen or inkjet)
Porous transport
layers (anode side)
titanium felt
Powder metallurgy
and coating
process (e.g.,
or physical vapour
Porous transport
layer (cathode side)
Sintered porous
titanium or
carbon pitch,
Carbon cloth/
paper production
Frames and seals
PPS resin, glass
Injection moulding
Bipolar plates
titanium, Ti-coated
stainless steel, or
carbon cloth/paper
Stamping and
physical vapour
Membrane electrode assembly
(MEA) fabrication
Catalyst ink
preparation (anode)
Iridium oxide,
PFSA, solvent
Mixing (ball,
attrition or
roll milling;
Catalyst ink
preparation (cathode)
Platinum, carbon
black, PFSA, solvent
Mixing (ball,
attrition or
roll milling;
Catalyst ink and
porous transport
painting, printing,
hydrothermal, roll-
to-roll, or decal
transfer methods
Porous transport
layer, membrane
Hot or cold
Cell stack assembly
Cell assembly
MEA, bipolar
plates, gaskets
Assembly, screen
moulding, curing
and connecting
Quality control
Cell stack
and testing
Electrolyser assembly
Final assembly
Cell stack, balance
of plant
cell stack with
balance of plant
139 Lagadec MF, Grimaud A (2020) Water electrolysers with closed and open electrochemical systems. Nature Materials 19, 1140; Lin X, Seow JZY, Xu ZJ (2023) A brief introduction of electrode fabrication for proton exchange membrane
water electrolyzers. Journal of Physics: Energy 5, 034003; Mayyas A, Ruth M, Pivovar B, Bender G, Wipke K (2018) Manufacturing Cost Analysis for Proton Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyzers. National Renewable Energy
Laboratory, Golden, CO. ; Umicore (2024) Pioneering platinum coating of Porous Transport Layers (PTL) and Bipolar Plates (BPL) made of titanium. News. (accessed 14 October 2024); Yu HN, Lim JW, Kim MK, Lee DG (2012) Plasma treatment of the
carbon fiber bipolar plate for PEM fuel cell. Composite Structures 94, 1911.
Figure 20. Materials, components
and manufacturing processes for
AEM electrolyser production140
MEA: Membrane electrode assembly;
PPS: polyphenylene sulfide
Raw material processing
Stainless steel
(chromium and nickel alloys)
Multiple carbon forms
(pitch, graphite, carbon fibres,
carbon black)
Specialised polymers
Glass fibre
Component manufacturing
Casting (e.g., tape
casting) / printing
(screen or inkjet)
Porous transport
layers (anode side)
Titanium felt,
nickel foam
coating process
(e.g., plasma
Porous transport
layer (cathode side)
Stainless steel or
carbon pitch and
Smelting and
casting or carbon
Frames and seals
PPS resin, glass
Injection moulding
Bipolar plate
(anode side)
Nickel or iron
Stamping and
physical vapour
deposition or
spraying methods
Bipolar plate
(cathode side)
Stainless steel or
graphite plate
Smelting and
casting or
Membrane electrode assembly
(MEA) fabrication
Catalyst ink
preparation (anode)
Iridium oxide (or Ni,
Co, Fe compounds),
PFSA, solvent
Mixing (ball,
attrition or
roll milling;
Catalyst ink
preparation (cathode)
Platinum, carbon
black (or Ni, Co,
Mo compounds),
PFSA, solvent
Mixing (ball,
attrition or
roll milling;
Catalyst ink and
porous transport
painting, printing,
hydrothermal, roll-
to-roll, or decal
transfer methods
Porous transport
layer, membrane
Hot or cold
Cell stack assembly
Cell assembly
MEA, bipolar
plates, gaskets
Assembly, screen
moulding, curing
and connecting
Quality control
Cell stack
and testing
Electrolyser assembly
Final assembly
Cell stack, balance
of plant
cell stack with
balance of plant
140 Lim A, Kim H, Henkensmeier D, Jong Yoo S, Young Kim J, Young Lee S, Sung Y-E, Jang JH, Park HS (2019) A study on electrode fabrication and operation variables affecting the performance of anion exchange membrane water
electrolysis. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 76, 410; López-Fernández E, Sacedón CG, Gil-Rostra J, Yubero F, González-Elipe AR, de Lucas-Consuegra A (2021) Recent Advances in Alkaline Exchange Membrane Water
Electrolysis and Electrode Manufacturing. Molecules 26, 6326; Raja Sulaiman RR, Wong WY, Loh KS (2022) Recent developments on transition metal–based electrocatalysts for application in anion exchange membrane water electrolysis.
International Journal of Energy Research 46, 2241; Tricker AW, Lee JK, Shin JR, Danilovic N, Weber AZ, Peng X (2023) Design and operating principles for high-performing anion exchange membrane water electrolyzers. Journal of Power
Sources 567, 232967; Xu Q, Zhang L, Zhang J, Wang J, Hu Y, Jiang H, Li C (2022) Anion Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyzer: Electrode Design, Lab-Scaled Testing System and Performance Evaluation. EnergyChem 4, 100087.
Figure 21. Materials, components
and manufacturing processes for
solid oxide electrolyser production141
LSCF: Lanthanum strontium cobalt ferrite;
LSM: Lanthanum strontium manganite;
Ni-YSZ: Nickel oxide-Yttria-stabilised
zirconia; YSM: Yttria-stabilised zirconia;
LSM-YSZ: Composite of LSM and YSZ;
GDC: Gadolinium-doped cerium oxide;
YDC: Yttrium-doped cerium oxide
Raw material processing
Stainless steel
(chromium and nickel alloys)
Perovskite material
Specialised polymers
Borosilicate glass (boron and silicon)
Cell fabrication
(planar design)
Catalyst ink
preparation (anode)
LSM‑YSZ, binder
and additives
Mixing (ball,
attrition or
roll milling;
Catalyst ink
preparation (cathode)
Ni-YSZ, binder
and additives
Mixing (ball,
attrition or
roll milling;
Electrolyte ink
YSZ, binder and
Mixing (ball,
attrition or
roll milling;
Intermediate layer
ink preparation
GDC or YDC, binder
and additives
Mixing (ball,
attrition or
roll milling;
Support layer
Cathode catalyst
or electrolyte ink
Tape casting
and sintering
Thinner layer
Anode catalyst,
intermediates, and
catalyst ink
Screen printing
/ co-casting /
tape casting with
lamination, drying
and sintering
Cell stack assembly
Stainless steel, cell
and etching
Perovskite layer
material, binders
Mixing, spraying,
and sintering
Mounting and
layer, glass sealant
Assembly, welding,
and sealing
Quality control
Cell stack
and hydrogen
reduction) and
Electrolyser assembly
Hot-box assembly
Cell stack, balance
of plant
Connecting cell
stack with balance
of stack and heat
components in an
insulated unit
Final assembly
Hot-boxes, balance
of plant
Connecting with
other hot-boxes
and balance of
plant components
141 Anghilante R, Colomar D, Brisse A, Marrony M (2018) Bottom-up cost evaluation of SOEC systems in the range of 10–100 MW. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 43, 20309; Ghezel-Ayagh H (2023) Solid Oxide Electrolysis System
Demonstration DE-EE0009290. U.S. Department of Energy Hydrogen Program 2023 Annual Merit Review and Peer Evaluation Meeting. (accessed 4 August 2024); Li P, Chen X, Sun Y, Chen T, Zhang B, Li F, Zhou J, Wang S (2023) Fabrication of anode supported solid oxide electrolysis cell with the co-tape casting technique and study on co-electrolysis
characteristics. Journal of Power Sources 569, 232912; Nechache A, Hody S (2021) Alternative and innovative solid oxide electrolysis cell materials: A short review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 149, 111322; van ‘t Noordende
H, van Berkel F, Stodolny M (2023) Next Level Solid Oxide Electrolysis. Institute for Sustainable Process Technology, Netherlands. ; Rachau M (2023) Production of Solid
Oxide Fuel Cell and Electrolyzer Stacks using HORIBA FuelCon’s Sintering Equipment. Feature Article – HORIBA. (accessed 11 October 2024); Ureña V, Ruiz K, Ciaurriz P, Judez X, Aguado M, Garbayo I (2023) Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells Fabrication: From Single Cells to Batch Production. ECS Transactions 111, 295.
5.7 Bibliometric analysis
Bibliometrics can serve as general indicators of a country’s research activity and comparative impact. Table 16 below
summarises the results of an analysis for Australia in electrochemistry, the broad category covering electrolysis (alongside
multiple other industry-relevant processes), and in a combination of research areas representing materials science.142
Table 16. Document counts and citation impact indicators for Australia in the electrochemistry research area
Web of Science
% Baseline for
All Items (Cites)
% Documents
% Documents
in Top 1%
Citation Impact
Relative to
Absolute value
Materials science
Absolute value
As with other research areas, the Australian publication count in electrochemistry and materials science ranks the country
in the top 20 globally. However, publication counts partially reflect population size and research funding in absolute terms,
rather than the influence or impact that a country’s research is having.
The citation impact of Australian publications, as measured by multiple comparative indicators, ranks the country in the top
3 among the 20 countries with the largest publication counts.
Citation impact metrics like category normalised citation impact (CNCI) use one as a reference. Values above one represent
a citation ratio above the world average for the area. See Figure 22 for a comparison of CNCI across the top 20 countries by
publication output.
Figure 22. Category normalised citation impact in the electrochemistry and combined materials science research areas, across the top
20 countries by publication output.
142 The bibliometric analysis by location was conducted using Clarivate’s InCites platform. It was based on the InCites dataset, covered all available years (1980
– July 31, 2024), and used ‘Electrochemistry’, and a combination of ‘Materials Science, Composites’, ‘Materials Science, Coatings & Films’, ‘Materials Science,
Ceramics’, ‘Materials Science, Characterization & Testing’, and ‘Materials Science, Multidisciplinary’ as research areas in the Web of Science schema.
A separate analysis was performed to specifically assess the
four electrolyser types included in this report. Key words
representing alkaline, proton exchange membrane, solid
oxide and anion exchange membrane electrolysers were
collected and used as part of a search strategy in Clarivate’s
Web of Science. The search focussed on titles and abstracts
and included articles published between 1980–2023,
excluding all other years and document types.
Two separate samples of articles were assessed to estimate
the accuracy of the resulting dataset, with a minimum
threshold of 70% established for further analysis. A dataset
exceeding this threshold was obtained and exported into
Clarivate’s InCites platform, where it was sorted to obtain
the top 20 countries by publication output. The subset
of 20 countries was then exported into Excel for further
processing, including data for Country name, number of
Web of Science Documents, Times Cited, Percentage of
Documents in the Top 1%, Category Normalised Citation
Impact, and Citations from Patents. See Table 17 for a
summary of the methodology and its results.
Table 17. Document counts and citation impact indicators for Australia for a publications dataset related to alkaline, PEM, solid oxide
and AEM electrolysers.
WoS Dataset
Web of Science Core Collection
WoS Search
(TI=("proton exchange membrane" OR "proton-exchange membrane" OR "polymer exchange membrane" OR "PEM"
OR "PEMWE") OR TI=("alkaline water" OR "alkaline" OR "AWE") OR TI=("solid oxide" OR "solid-oxide" OR "SOEC")
OR TI=("anion-exchange" OR "anion-exchange" OR "AEM" OR "AEMWE") OR (AB=("proton exchange membrane"
OR "proton-exchange membrane" OR "polymer exchange membrane" OR "PEM" OR "PEMWE") OR AB=("alkaline
water" OR "alkaline" OR "AWE") OR AB=("solid oxide" OR "solid-oxide" OR "SOEC") OR AB=("anion-exchange"
OR "anion-exchange" OR "AEM" OR "AEMWE"))) AND (TI=("electrolysis" OR "electrolyser" OR "electrolyzer") OR
(AB=("electrolysis" OR "electrolyser" OR "electrolyzer"))) AND (TI=("hydrogen") OR (AB=("hydrogen")))
InCites Dataset
accuracy of
the dataset
Web of
% Documents
% Documents
in Top 1%
Relative to
From Patents
Documents /
Citations from
Absolute value
For further information
CSIRO Futures
Vivek Srinivasan
Associate Director, CSIRO Futures
+61 3 9545 8057 | +61 477 391 073
CSIRO Energy
Dr Patrick G. Hartley
Leader, CSIRO Hydrogen Industry Mission
+61 400 101 154
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