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About our Postgraduate Studentships program

Developing the next generation of world-class scientists and engineers is critical to building Australia's future science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and innovation capable workforce, and CSIRO is contributing to this by increasing our engagement in education, training and mentoring of students.

Here's what you need to know

Our Postgraduate Studentship program provides opportunities for outstanding students enrolled in a postgraduate degree.

Postgraduate scholarships

Scholarships are available to full-time and part-time postgraduate students who are undertaking a higher degree by research. Our scholarships are available to students enrolled at an Australian University for projects that align with CSIRO's priority research areas.

What a Postgraduate Studentship can offer you

Collaborating with us to complete your PhD or master's degree will give your research the edge. We offer you access to our leading scientists, engineers and mentors, the opportunity to take your research to the next level in our first-class facilities and first-hand experience in an environment where our innovative research really is changing the world for the better.

Depending on your area of research, you can complete your PhD or master's degree in one or more of our many sites across Australia.

Top-up Postgraduate Scholarships are offered for periods of up to four years (full-time equivalent), and are available to doctoral students who gain or expect to gain a research training program scholarship (RTP) or equivalent university award. In some circumstances CSIRO fully funded scholarships may also be available and are offered for up to four years (full-time equivalent).

Postgraduate students at CSIRO are supported by both a university supervisor and a CSIRO supervisor; allowing students to maintain and develop their university connections while being exposed to research in a working environment.

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Requirements and eligibility of a Postgraduate Scholarship

Scholarships will be offered to high achieving postgraduate students who are enrolled at an Australian university.

Recipients of postgraduate scholarships are generally required to be Australian Citizens or hold Permanent Residency status. However, in fields in which there is a national skill shortage, scholarships may be awarded to overseas candidates, provided they meet Department of Immigration and Citizenship policy guidelines. International students must be able to provide evidence of admission to an Australian university.

How to apply

Please visit our Studentships and Scholarships page for our current postgraduate opportunities.

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About our Postgraduate Studentships program

Developing the next generation of world-class scientists and engineers is critical to building Australia's future science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and innovation capable workforce, and CSIRO is contributing to this by increasing our engagement in education, training and mentoring of students.

Here's what you need to know

Our Postgraduate Studentship program provides opportunities for outstanding students enrolled in a postgraduate degree.

Postgraduate scholarships

Scholarships are available to full-time and part-time postgraduate students who are undertaking a higher degree by research. Our scholarships are available to students enrolled at an Australian University for projects that align with CSIRO's priority research areas.

What a Postgraduate Studentship can offer you

Collaborating with us to complete your PhD or master's degree will give your research the edge. We offer you access to our leading scientists, engineers and mentors, the opportunity to take your research to the next level in our first-class facilities and first-hand experience in an environment where our innovative research really is changing the world for the better.

Depending on your area of research, you can complete your PhD or master's degree in one or more of our many sites across Australia.

Top-up Postgraduate Scholarships are offered for periods of up to four years (full-time equivalent), and are available to doctoral students who gain or expect to gain a research training program scholarship (RTP) or equivalent university award. In some circumstances CSIRO fully funded scholarships may also be available and are offered for up to four years (full-time equivalent).

Postgraduate students at CSIRO are supported by both a university supervisor and a CSIRO supervisor; allowing students to maintain and develop their university connections while being exposed to research in a working environment.

[Music plays and CSIRO logo appear]

[Music plays and text appears: The CSIRO Postgraduate Scholarship Program]

[Image changes to show Thai talking to the camera]

Thai: Hi, I’m Ty, and I’m part of CSIROs Postgraduate Scholarship Program.

[Image changes to show Justin talking to the camera]

Justin: Hi, I’m Justin, and I’m part of the CSIRO Postgraduate Scholarship Program.

[Image changes to show Kallol talking to the camera]

Kallol: Hi, I’m Kallol; I’m part of CSIRO Postgraduate Research Scholarship Program]

[Image changes back to show Thai Ly, postgraduate student, seated and talking to the camera]

Thai: So far the experience has been really rewarding. We get to see the ultimate outcome of what our project may lead to. And I was so excited that I get to work with a renowned company, analysing minerals in rocks, using nuclear magnetic resonance, which was what I really wanted to do in the first place.

[Image changes back to show Justin Delaney, postgraduate student, seated and talking to the camera]

Justin: My project is aimed at using high energy X-rays to measure the amount of gold and other precious metals in mineral ore samples. CSIRO have completely shattered my preconceptions of what research was and how research was conducted. Being only really exposed to it in a University and academic sphere, it was really eye opening to see how some real world research is actually conducted and then applied to something that is useful.

[Image changes back to show Kallol Krishna Karmakar, postgraduate student, seated and talking to the camera

Kallol: My work has two phases. The first phase is to build a policy base security model to secure the IOT network space. The second phase comes with the introduction of how to identify malicious flows from the IOT network devices. In a lot of ways CSIRO is helping me to build my career in this cyber-security world and in this Australian context, I think, CSIRO is the bestest spot to work with.

[Image changes back to show Justin Delaney, seated and talking to the camera]

Justin: Working with CSIRO has opened up a lot of opportunities for me that I feel I wouldn’t have otherwise had access to in a University, where a lot of it is very laboratory based and you don’t tend to do anything more than that.

[Image changes back to show Thai, seated and talking to the camera]

Thai: The culture in CSIROs actually extremely relaxed, more relaxed than I thought it would be.

[Image changes back to show Justin Delaney, seated and talking to the camera]

Justin: Everyone is just a fountain of information on anything you might want and they’re always ready to help you if you have questions, or if you need help conducting experimental work.

[Image changes back to show Kallol Krishna Karmakar, seated and talking to the camera

Kallol: It’s very friendly. They gave me the tools and they gave me some introductions as well, how to do the work, from there on I started working.

[Image changes back to show Justin Delaney, seated and talking to the camera]

Justin: I would very strongly recommend doing projects with CSIRO; it’s been a really enriching experience in just all aspects of the project.

[Image changes back to show Thai, seated and talking to the camera]

Thai: Everyone just encourages you to learn to read, to experiment and just see where your motivation takes you, I guess (laughs).

[Image changes back to show Justin Delaney, seated and talking to the camera]

Justin: If I could sum up my experience with CSIRO in one word, it would be engaging.

[Image changes back to show Thai, seated and talking to the camera]

Thai: If I could think of one word that would sum up my experience at CSIRO, it would be rewarding.

[Image changes back to show Kallol, seated and talking to the camera

Kallol: If I could think of one word that would sum up my experience is excellent. I love working with CSIRO.

[Music plays and CSIRO logo appears above text: Australia’s innovation catalyst]

In this short video, a few of our postgraduate students talk about their experience with the program and working at CSIRO.

Requirements and eligibility of a Postgraduate Scholarship

Scholarships will be offered to high achieving postgraduate students who are enrolled at an Australian university.

Recipients of postgraduate scholarships are generally required to be Australian Citizens or hold Permanent Residency status. However, in fields in which there is a national skill shortage, scholarships may be awarded to overseas candidates, provided they meet Department of Immigration and Citizenship policy guidelines. International students must be able to provide evidence of admission to an Australian university.

How to apply

Please visit our Studentships and Scholarships page for our current postgraduate opportunities.


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